May help out online play (PS3)


New member
Well I have been playing mortal kombat all day today and I think I may have found out away to get past all the recent bugs we have been experiencing.

With ranked what I noticed is if you choose a alternate outfit or press buttons during the loading you will get error messages. Also If you spend too much time choosing a fighter during the match you will get an error message. Sometimes I have been lucky to choose alternate and it doesnt mess up.

Player/private/join room
With this I noticed all the above. Also this may suck but, loading screen kombat codes gives the desyncinize message. Once every 10 games I would get the codes to work but mostly the error messege comes up.

That's all I can think of right now. If I can find anything else I will update the post.

Well I have been playing mortal kombat all day today and I think I may have found out away to get past all the recent bugs we have been experiencing.

With ranked what I noticed is if you choose a alternate outfit or press buttons during the loading you will get error messages. Also If you spend too much time choosing a fighter during the match you will get an error message. Sometimes I have been lucky to choose alternate and it doesnt mess up.

Player/private/join room
With this I noticed all the above. Also this may suck but, loading screen kombat codes gives the desyncinize message. Once every 10 games I would get the codes to work but mostly the error messege comes up.

That's all I can think of right now. If I can find anything else I will update the post.

Im sorry but i think this has nothing to do with the online been crap, i often pick alternative costumes and often put in kombat codes( especially klassic music one if im not hosting the gam) and ive had no such problems. All my disconnects have been before the match. Im not saying your wrong this may be the case for some users but it doesnt seem the case for me. Watch it now ill get home form work and every time i pick MK1 Scorpion or enter a Kombat Kode it will disconnect for the rest of my days
The two times I've actually managed to get into a fight both of us picked our characters very quickly, no alternate costumes, no fiddling around with anything, if I see the other person delay then I know all is lost, we'll get a 'lost session'. Incidently one of the fights I did manage to get into dropped out halfway anyway, but those few seconds of fight were fun.

When I tried to do some private matches the other day with my brother, we found the same thing, if we picked fast it would load up a bit more into the game than if we tried to pick someone lower on the list. We still didn't manage to actually fight, but we did get close if we both picked Sub-zero and Scorpion (top 2 corners) really quickly.....
I'm not sure if those facts matter. I found it more to be like i find a 'compatible' opponent or not.

Some guys I challenge will cause desynching everytime no matter what I do. Others I'll have 10 fights straight all smooth with no problems.

If I find these 'compatible' opponents, I tend to whole on to them since I know it will be a while until I get into another match if I miss this opportunity lol