Ladder Master Trophy/Achievement

Andrew G

"Complete Arcade Ladder on max difficulty without using a continue"
Okay I'm taking "max difficulty" means Expert difficulty (obviously)
And "without using a continue" means don't lose a Match (It's okay to lose Rounds?)
What it doesn't say is if it has to be just Ladder or if it can be Tag Ladder

I did this literally five minutes ago on Tag Ladder using Sheeva and Noob (Doing it the noob way)
And i didn't die once, not even on a Round (since i had Rounds set to one lol)
They didn't give me the Trophy though
I didn't use Noob until Shao Kahn where i died using Sheeva (Is that the problem?)
I'm guessing that doesn't count though
So what can be my problem?

If you have better strategies post them (:
Tag ladder does indeed count for the trophy, and yes it is expert mode you're looking to complete. Not sure why it didn't pop for you if you were definitely on expert and didn't use a continue...

Losing a round is fine, and one character dying during a round is fine. You just can't lose a full match.

Sheeva stomp strat is fine, don't worry about what you do to get there, no such thing as noob strats in games, just have fun. ;)

My favorite to use against Kahn on expert is Kratos, though I imagine any fighter with a reflect would work. Just get some distance and use the Golden Fleece ability whenever he throws his spear or hammer, and it will throw it back at him. When he isn't throwing, spam Apollo's Bow. Just get used to issuing the commands for both moves quickly. Aside from that, jump over/uppercut or combo. When you jump over him, he tends to attack where you were, leaving him vulnerable. When he lands after the uppercut/combo finisher, dash towards and jump over, uppercut or combo and repeat.

Good luck!
i also have a qustion can i get the trophie for beating arcade ladder with all charecters if i beat it in tag because i have 3 more charecters to beat tag ladder with and i was wondering if it is worth it
Yes you can double up in tag mode. When you beat tag team ladder, you see the ending for the first fighter you selected, however if you go into the Nekropolis and select the other fighter you used, you can view his/her ending there.

In other words, even though you only see one fighter's ending, beating tag ladder counts for both fighters, so use tag ladder to shorten the time it takes for the Arcade Champion trophy/achievement.
I just achived the Ladder Master Trophy today and it wasn't easy. I beat it without continuing and I didn't lose a round, I ended with
Round Losses: 0
Match Losses: 0
Fatalities: 8
Time: 13:30

I've been only playing the Expert Arcade Ladder with Kabal until I finally beat it, it took me over 15 tries at least.

Tip: Today I started the ladder and saw that I didn't like the line up with Quan Chi at match 7, so I went back to the main menu to see what the next line up was and it was a bunch of Ninja's so I went back to the main menu and I started the ladder one more time and decided that Noob at match 6 wasn't that bad and I ended up achieving the trophy.

Tip 2: The hardest part of the Expert Tower is Kahn and it took me a while to understand and learn that you should block all of Kahn's moves that you cannot avoid except when he throws the hammer ( that you have to jump over and I find that the straight up jump to be the best way, I was trying to jump forward over it and it would hit my legs or I would land and Kahn would use his stupid shoulder dash)

Good Luck because it's a *****.
Got this last night. Used Raiden, rounds set to 3 and time limit to 0. Lost 9 rounds. Took 31 minutes but it was 39 rounds!

Raiden is KING!
FINALLY got it with Ermac. I was so close to just spamming Smoke's teleport or Sheeva's stomp, but it's so much more satisfying to get it straight up.
hmmm i havent got that achievment yet. ****in ermac is a quick sun uva bich. but kahn is a piece of cake with raiden. i just wait till he tries to attack and teleport behind him, thusly comboing his punk ass into oblivion
Got this using Sektor and Scorpion. I used Sektor mainly and spammed his teleport punch plus uppercut repeatedly. Lost two rounds but never lost any matches. I set the round time to 30 seconds and 3 rounds to win matches.
I got it using Cyrax, on my second try. The first time I ended up dying on Shao Kahn, but I learned from my mistakes. I would just hang back until he threw a projectile, then teleport and combo.
Yeah, I found it almost easier to do it one 1-round matches too. All I made sure of is no Jade at the 7 spot, and I did it.
If you are going to lose the match if you pause and go to the player select screen does that count as losing the match or just the round?
If its just classed as losing the round can you get the trophy this way?

Not sure if you have to do this when it says finish him for it to not count as a match loss or not I'll check this out later but if someone knows before then please share.

Did this my first try with this method:

--Set rounds to 1, 30 seconds
--Tag Ladder using Sektor and whoever else as a second (i picked Sheeva)

In each match, just jump back and do Sektors teleport in the air. 9 out of 10 times that jumping motion tricks the AI into starting an attack, and then you nail him/her with the teleport. Then uppercut them on the way down. Just keep doing this over and over. Its important to NOT tag at all. Throughout the match the AI will tag between their two people, so you really just have to survive the 30 seconds without losing your Sektor. At the end of the 30 seconds you will win automatically since your 2nd person was never tagged in and has full health.

The only fight you have to do the whole thing is Shao Kahn and hes a complete sucker for Sektors teleport. Just get far away, and wait for him to taunt, or throw something then teleport, and uppercut. Even if you do for some reason lose your Sektor you still have a full health second player to finish him with.

I still cant believe i did it the first try!!!
hmmm i havent got that achievment yet. ****in ermac is a quick sun uva bich. but kahn is a piece of cake with raiden. i just wait till he tries to attack and teleport behind him, thusly comboing his punk ass into oblivion

I thought I was the only one who thought Ermac was quick as Hell on Expert. I actually made it all the way to Kahn with Stryker and he feckin' clobbered me. =<
I had my settings on 2 rounds to win with 90 second rounds. I made it all the way to kahn with kung Lao. I thought I had it won with the x-ray move but kahn had a tiny bit of health left. All I had to do was hit him one more time but he hit me first. It was heartbreaking. This really should have been a gold trophy.

I don't know what it is but ever since then the game has become extremely difficult on the expert difficulty. I would make it up to kahn no problem but now i can't even make it past the first few fights. What's wrong with me?
I am dying inside because of it. I got the platinum trophy in arkham and many other gold trophies but this is tough and I haven't even been able to get to Shang Tsung ever since. Does the game get harder when it knows you've made it that far?
Doubt it gets harder. I keep reloading the ladder until I get a favorable character lineup. I restart if I see jade, Kitana or Quan Chi above fourth. They seem to give me the most trouble. I try to stay positive. I know I'll get it. Just might take some time.
I haven't been able to do anything right. It's like I suck at games all of a sudden. I almost wish I could watch everything I did yesterday that worked so well. I'm still doing it but now it isn't working.