You my friend are the definition of what a SCRUB is Big time !! You're the reason why the fighting games community have such reputations of cry babies. It's because of people like you who as soon as they get their asshh kicked, goes on the forums and boards and cries over it.
Waaahhhh!! Nerf thiisss!! Wahhhhhhhh!! Nerf thattt ! Waaaahhhhhh !!
I have an advice for you: Don't get caught in the combo !! And if you do, just use the freakin breaker !!
Lots of characters have 50% combos without X-rays. It's not like if this Kitana combo was easy to pull off. It's one of the hardest to perform in the game because of his strict timing. If someone can pull this combo, then he must be rewarded for his effort after hours and hours in the training room perfecting it.
It's not like if Kitana was Top tier or anything. Kitana is at best mid/high tier !!
So just close your mouth, learn the matchup and try to find ways to get around it !! Is that too hard to do theses days ?!?
Instead of complaining about everything and shouting nerfs after everything that you don't know how to deal with, go in the training room and GET BETTER AT THE GAME !!