Kang Banged + Caged


New member

so I made this thread for my expert ladder mains Kang nd Cage I talk alot so be prepared nd feel free to add your opinion of course

Im an animation student nd martial arts fanatic so I know for a fact Jeet Kune do
(Bruce Lee style that they both share) would look amazing in this game. Id see Liu Kang using Drunken money mixed with Jkd and Johnny still using a mix of that nd karate( still being a high tier rush down character),

I get the feeling if Liu comes back as the final boss he'd be an Onaga vessel with dragon scales on his body depiciting his inner dragon
? Also a variation extending combos and focusing more on parrys and traps like traditional Jkd would,

Johnny I feel would have variations focusing on his plasmic bolts for zoning and shadow attacks( maybe a full shadow manifestation like noob). No Johnny and Cassie aren't the same, if anything she's like Sonya.

I take everything as a sign so Liu Kangs dragon redesign made me think Onaga nd Johnny fighting Liu in MK Legacy made me speculate about a potential battle between the original 3 heroes.
Liu Kang(red player 1) is followed by Cage(blue player 2) and Sonya (green player 3) so you gotta give Earth realms finest sum credit,

Finally In the original time line Liu Kang was 24 nd stayed immortal nd was watching his friends age, so in the new time line he can actually still be introduced as a young monk around Cassie's group age since he's still the "Immortal Champ" even after Raidens disfiguration. So maybe the new Champ(Johnny) has to fight the old one? Either way I cant wait for some game play #Imdrunkat9pm :D