Jason David Frank wants to do a PG-13 solo movie. ( green ranger)

Power Rangers was the ish back in the day. I would be in favor of this. They gotta get rid of that cheesy stock music though.

you mean the theme song? if you look at the first video at the very end it has more of a darker tone of the theme wich i like alot

and if this fan film does well hopefully saban does a silver screen movie of it.

i loved mmpr up to rangers in space and imo it fell off after that
No, I was referring to the background music in the reaction video. Sheet is corny. Leave that stuff in the 90s.

And please, don't use any dubstep crap either. Dubstep literally makes my stomach hurt.
So was trailer supposed to be taking place post Turbo and Pre Dino Thunder? I mean a solo movie would have to be Tommy becoming the Green Ranger or his time until he becomes the white ranger.
So was trailer supposed to be taking place post Turbo and Pre Dino Thunder? I mean a solo movie would have to be Tommy becoming the Green Ranger or his time until he becomes the white ranger.

honestly i have no idea when it takes place. in one of the ranger files the one guy said something about the battles that took place in angel grove 20 years ago.

so i guess its 20 years after all the shows we know about like mmpr- i think dono thunder