IGN's MK: Armageddon Fighter of the Wiik: Taven

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Jeff Greeson

Staff member
<a href="http://media.wii.ign.com/media/845/845775/vids_1.html"><img src="http://www.trmk.org/images/news/mkwiitaven.jpg" width="160" height="120" align="right" class="newslink" hspace="4" vspace="4" /></a><b>IGN</b> continues their early release of a new <a href="http://media.wii.ign.com/media/845/845775/vids_1.html">weekly video feature</a> to highlight a character featured in <a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_armageddon/">Mortal Kombat: Armageddon</a> for the <b>Nintendo Wii</b>. This week the featured character is <b>Taven</b>, one of the characters featured in <b>Konquest Mode</b> in <b>Armageddon</b>.

In this feature video, the <b>MK Team</b> details background of the creation of <b>Taven</b>. At the end of the video, producer Shawn Himmerick details the <b>Wii</b> control scheme for <b>Taven's</b> special moves.

<a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_armageddon/">Mortal Kombat: Armageddon</a> for the <b>Nintendo Wii</b> remains on schedule for a <b>mid-May 2007</b> release in <b>North America</b>.
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