I think alts are coming to ps3


New member
guys i think they are since if u go to the krypt and choose characters gallery you can see a ps3 version of the alts for the dlc people. and on a side note i love that Pinup pic of sindel lol.
guys i think they are since if u go to the krypt and choose characters gallery you can see a ps3 version of the alts for the dlc people. and on a side note i love that Pinup pic of sindel lol.

You're talking about the character bios with the alternate costumes? They show no indication that those costumes are coming to consoles, the character models just look better than the ones in the actual game.
They must be just concept art... it doesn't really imply they're gonna release em for consoles, but yeah, it would be cool.

By lilrican21 at 2012-05-07


By lilrican21 at 2012-05-07


By lilrican21 at 2012-05-07


By lilrican21 at 2012-05-07

see they look too detailed for only a vita ver. skarlet has half her attire missing and in the vita it's not the same.
Damn, messed up Scarlet is hot.
Anyway, it's no secret that they had these costumes done a long time ago, and with console quality. So if they're not in the Komplete Edition, there's no way they're releasing them, especially now.