I love Midway Arcade Treasures

I've noticed quite a few people (including someone who shouldn't be but is) hating on this collection, and I couldn't stand it anymore, so I wanted to point out the main reasons why I love Midway Arcade Treasures for PS2, PC, and PSP.

For several years (until I got MKII for PSN on PS3) it allowed me to play Mortal Kombat II in an arcade-quality state, instead of having to put up with the lackluster 16-bit ports anymore.

It finally gave me a (IMO) better alternative than MAME. MAME for me, was always CPU-greedy and thus too laggy. MAT for PC runs perfectly on every computer I play it on (even my netbook!) thus giving me a chance to play MKII on my PC in arcade quality.

It allows me to play MKII in arcade quality everywhere I go, thus I never have to be separated from that great game.

Even though it may not have been "spick-and-span" perfect like most people want it to be, Midway Arcade gave me a lot of opportunities to play the original arcade MKs, at and away from home. Please think about what I said before you decide to bash me for defending the compilation.
Midway Arcade treasures 1 and 2 were the 2 best gaming bargains ever, I still have my copies for PS2, and I still occasionally camp on them, a lot of my buddies are retro gamers as well, its super fun when we all get together, almost like the old days at the arcade, and the ports are very well done, the only game I had a problem with was hard drivin' its a little slow compared to the arcade, but still fun to play, and yes the MK II on MAT2 was the first time we had an arcade quality port of MK II at home, no compromises, I heard that theres' a glitch with the shadows, but I'm too busy having fun to notice that.
Yes, Midway Arcade Treasures are great, especially on the PSP where, IMHO, these games look better than on modern TVs.

Even better, GP2X Caanoo (runs MAME and many emulators for klassic konsoles, see here), which, coincidentally, I just ordered today.

For example, see (MK1 is at around 2:20):
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MAT are great, but the MK ports (MK2 especially) were flawed. IIRC you can't even fight Smoke because they map the start button to pause the game. However they were the best versions commercially available for those who didn't want to set up MAME on their computers.

With the MK Collection coming out (not to mention MAME being about a billion times easier to set up than it used to be), there won't be much reason to pick up the MAT collections anymore other than for people who want to own everything related to MK.
MAT are great, but the MK ports (MK2 especially) were flawed. IIRC you can't even fight Smoke because they map the start button to pause the game. However they were the best versions commercially available for those who didn't want to set up MAME on their computers.

With the MK Collection coming out (not to mention MAME being about a billion times easier to set up than it used to be), there won't be much reason to pick up the MAT collections anymore other than for people who want to own everything related to MK.

^^ 100% truth. And why they would put a port of MK3 on there is mind boggling. UMK3 was the final version of the MK3's (No MKT isnt worthy of such consideration) and should have been on there, and im sure it would have been the shitty port that was on the MKA KE too. So so, these MK ports are crap. Get on Mame for free, the best ports you could ever play.
im more than happy with MAT on my PSP...i have no use or need to buy the new collection coming out
For the record, it's not being elitist to point out the ports used for the MAT are flawed. It was one of the major criticisms of the series, especially when they re-released it as the Deluxe Edition for PC and didn't fix any of the problems. MK 1 is fine for the most part, but MK 2 and 3 both have sound and graphical glitches and the start button glitch that messes up random select and fighting Smoke.

It wasn't just MK games either, here's a snippet from the Wiki page for MAT 2:

Many of the games featured in this collection are emulated versions of the arcade games and not actually ports. It may be extremely difficult to emulate video games from one system fully accurate on another. As a result, some of the games (Mortal Kombat II, Mortal Kombat 3, Pit-Fighter and NARC in particular) have some obvious sound and graphical glitches.

There are also certain other emulation issues in the PS2 and GameCube versions of the collection. The PS2 version contains a slower running Hard Drivin', a crackled sounding Mortal Kombat 3, and a faster running Pit-Fighter. These emulation problems are not present in the GameCube version. However, this version contains a few emulation issues in Wizard of Wor (which is the oldest game in the collection): every sound effect plays at the wrong times (for example the original shooting sound effect has become the original "enemy defeated" sound effect, and vice versa), and the game has a very inconsistent framerate, slowing down at almost all times. The game, Rampage: World Tour had missing voice samples from Dr. Betty Veronica when it comes to her talking to the phone on some scenes between levels.

Midway used poor quality roms for this game, and never fixed them despite re-releasing them several times on different platforms. The PSP version is probably the best since the flaws aren't going to be as noticeable on a portable system. You may have noticed MK fans tend to be pretty demanding, but mentioning the flaws in this collection surely isn't just nitpicking by game snobs.

I wouldn't think of telling anyone how to spend their hard earned money, but I really wouldn't just pass on the new MK Collection out of hand. As long as they use a new emulation for this (and it would be insane if they didn't), this will be far superior to the MAT series.
All glitches aside, I loved MAT2. It was and still currently is my only way to play MK2 and MK3, I used to have it for Genesis but that doesn't work anymore

It introduced me to NARC, Primal Rage and Hard Drivin

Plus, it also contained this beauty:

@Tim Static: Fuck off and die evil Hitler wannabe. He can play the game any which way he wants to. The world doesn't revolve around dicks like you.

@[sek]: Suck Tim's cock faggot. You have no right to defend dicks like him, and they have no right to be defended.

Fuck the MK Community. I'll see you all in Hell where you belong.