Help with Challenge #134 please

Okay, so I'm sure this is supposed to be easier than it really is, but I cannot for the life of me pull off the "Air Gotcha Grab" and the "Air Throw." Well I can DO THEM but I can never connect the moves with Kabal because the guy simply refuses to be in the air. Now, is there a better way to get this guy in the air or do I just have to randomly wait for him to jump? I don't know if there's a way to properly juggle him and then do the moves but I tried and the moves execute way too late for that to work.

If someone can help me with this, I'd really appreciate it. (Otherwise I may have to skip this challenge which is kind of a bummer since I haven't skipped up to this point.)
Figured that shit on my own. I was like "jump you idiot!" then he refused to do so. A light bulb went off in my head and I realized just ground pound his ass.