Guide to Quan Chi By Solitude2IZ

well done. You are a very skilled Quan Chi player, I once saw you playing in 00TRMK KOTH room, and you were doing very good with Quan Chi, pretty skillful gameplay with the game released only one or a couple of weeks yet .....
You should make a Quan Chi char thread since he is one of the few, if he is not the only one, who doesnt have a dedicated char thread.
You should make a Quan Chi char thread since he is one of the few, if he is not the only one, who doesnt have a dedicated char thread.

I would, but there was one already before, sadly it didn't have qualities of the other character threads... Like the character's bnbs, story and stuff.

I also suggest that even players that don't even use Quan Chi checks the vid out anyway, maybe this'll be stickied if proven useful.:)
well done. You are a very skilled Quan Chi player, I once saw you playing in 00TRMK KOTH room, and you were doing very good with Quan Chi, pretty skillful gameplay with the game released only one or a couple of weeks yet .....

Feel free to add me, there is a lot more stuff I know of that I didn't record that are just as useful in real matches.
Feel free to add me, there is a lot more stuff I know of that I didn't record that are just as useful in real matches.

As a juggle combo starter, you like more :

- back, 2,1 ?
- back 3, 2+1 ?

I know that depends of the situation, but, back 3, 2+1 seems very deadly, since its overhead feature .... I know that you can even combine both juggle combos and follow with another combo sequence ..... Quan Chi is wonderful, but, tough to master in high level skill, take some time until you figure out you are doing correctly his tricks ......

For mind games, is better to control the stomp teleport with back, or forward d-pad arrow, in order to confuse the enemy ?
Why would you give away your secrets solitude!?!?!??!?!?! I would never give away my Kano setups and oki traps O_o
If Quan Chi players knew what was good for them they'd treat your guide like a bible because seriously your QC is TOO GOOD.

And get online more often I haven't played you in a while.
Both of those are good for juggle combos, but it depends on the situation, you see, you cant safely walk up to the opponent and do 3, 2+1, back 2,1 has more range, its much better to do from a jump distance like up 3, but you'll be using 3,2+1 on jump ins almost every time.

sky drop with back is much better for mind games simply due to the fact that it can be blocked low when landing behind.

I agree that He's wonderful, I would place him high mid in a tier list.
Pretty sweet stuff. Would like to point out also to not abuse of U+3 Trance because it's unsafe and punishable by full combo.
Really clean executions of those combos, I always skip the B+2,1 after F+3,1+2 because I tend to miss.. :p..Totally going to support Quan Chi, he still has a lot of potential even with the last few nerfs. The reset with the skull ball, lol, never thought of that..XD
Why would you give away your secrets solitude!?!?!??!?!?! I would never give away my Kano setups and oki traps O_o
If Quan Chi players knew what was good for them they'd treat your guide like a bible because seriously your QC is TOO GOOD.

And get online more often I haven't played you in a while.

Haha, I still have many tricks up my sleeve nobody knows about lol..
But they'll find out sooner or later, if players online take note of some of my setups, they'll end up claiming them as their own.
I'll be online as much as possible to shapen up, I hope to play Yautjared in the future as well.
Haha, I still have many tricks up my sleeve nobody knows about lol..
But they'll find out sooner or later, if players online take note of some of my setups, they'll end up claiming them as their own.
I'll be online as much as possible to shapen up, I hope to play Yautjared in the future as well.

haha, bro, you are a high caliber player, I played against you twice some time ago, in KOTH, and you kicked my ass, despite I won one round .... you were crushing and destroying everyone, until Circus came out and won against you, this happened some days after the game came out in April 19th, so, probably you did not remember that, since you must have played thousands of online games so far .....

I stand no chance against you.

About revealing your tricks, well, the fun in the game is , being confident and, as you said, sooner or later, others Quan Chi players gonna figure out how to trick and use properly the cunning nature of Quan Chi, so, don't worry, even if you face people with skill level and knowledge about Quan Chi , the same as you, you still can pull off and destroy them, since, when 2 forces are equal in terms of skill, one of the guys still can act faster and think faster, winning the match .... if you are this guy, you can be able to win more.

Circus and DCP are among the best players here on TRMK, they can give you a run for the money, I advice to train a lot with any of them, and, if you have interesting goal, use these experiences to prepare for tournaments.

See ya, take care !!

Why would you give away your secrets solitude!?!?!??!?!?! I would never give away my Kano setups and oki traps O_o
If Quan Chi players knew what was good for them they'd treat your guide like a bible because seriously your QC is TOO GOOD.

And get online more often I haven't played you in a while.

"rubs hands together sinisterly"

one day young circus, i shall have your secrets! seriously tho...ill add them to the kano thread lol
"rubs hands together sinisterly"

one day young circus, i shall have your secrets! seriously tho...ill add them to the kano thread lol

haha !

Well, Circus said that he used lots of his secrets against Justin Wong, but, the video was not recorded, so, we missed the oportunity !!

This is pretty much exactly how I play my Quan Chi. Yeah the SBoos is risky and I dont hardly ever do it but when you do, it really is rewarding!