New member
I finally finished my first upload on Youtube. I hope it helps, please excuse any grammatical errors and mispellings.
You should make a Quan Chi char thread since he is one of the few, if he is not the only one, who doesnt have a dedicated char thread.
well done. You are a very skilled Quan Chi player, I once saw you playing in 00TRMK KOTH room, and you were doing very good with Quan Chi, pretty skillful gameplay with the game released only one or a couple of weeks yet .....
Feel free to add me, there is a lot more stuff I know of that I didn't record that are just as useful in real matches.
Why would you give away your secrets solitude!?!?!??!?!?! I would never give away my Kano setups and oki traps
If Quan Chi players knew what was good for them they'd treat your guide like a bible because seriously your QC is TOO GOOD.
And get online more often I haven't played you in a while.
Haha, I still have many tricks up my sleeve nobody knows about lol..
But they'll find out sooner or later, if players online take note of some of my setups, they'll end up claiming them as their own.
I'll be online as much as possible to shapen up, I hope to play Yautjared in the future as well.
Why would you give away your secrets solitude!?!?!??!?!?! I would never give away my Kano setups and oki traps
If Quan Chi players knew what was good for them they'd treat your guide like a bible because seriously your QC is TOO GOOD.
And get online more often I haven't played you in a while.
"rubs hands together sinisterly"
one day young circus, i shall have your secrets! seriously tho...ill add them to the kano thread lol
This is pretty much exactly how I play my Quan Chi. Yeah the SBoos is risky and I dont hardly ever do it but when you do, it really is rewarding!
haha !
Well, Circus said that he used lots of his secrets against Justin Wong, but, the video was not recorded, so, we missed the oportunity !!