Sniper0092 Member May 16, 2014 #1 I will do a review later if you want. It looks really cool and I can't wait to see the mutos.
lariat Well-known member May 16, 2014 #2 Sniper0092 said: I will do a review later if you want. It looks really cool and I can't wait to see the mutos. Click to expand... Sounds good to me. Im pumped to see this (hopefully soon) because that last POS godzilla movie was terrible. I pray they don't !@#$ it up.
Sniper0092 said: I will do a review later if you want. It looks really cool and I can't wait to see the mutos. Click to expand... Sounds good to me. Im pumped to see this (hopefully soon) because that last POS godzilla movie was terrible. I pray they don't !@#$ it up.
Taj Gill New member May 16, 2014 #3 Seeing it this Sunday in Imax 3D, already purchased tickets. Should be a fun ride!
Tarkatan Trash Active member May 16, 2014 #4 Oh no! They say he's got to go! Go go Godzilla! Oh no! There goes Tokyo! Go go Godzilla! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk
Oh no! They say he's got to go! Go go Godzilla! Oh no! There goes Tokyo! Go go Godzilla! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk
BBBLP Robot Rock Jul 13, 2014 #7 I went with a date to see it. Broad wouldn't stop cheerscreaming during the fight scenes. The movie was good. Fight scenes were the only good parts though imo.
I went with a date to see it. Broad wouldn't stop cheerscreaming during the fight scenes. The movie was good. Fight scenes were the only good parts though imo.