Free Art Resources Thread


New member
Alright, well, a lot of people are always complaining on how paint is there only limit for fakes. This is not true, you can get tons of good art programs, that will do just as good of a job as photoshop would!

Jasc, Paint Shop Pro.
Trial Version, this is just a trial version of PSP, this is an excellant program, which I and numerous artist use for creating fakes!


Gimp - Full and Legal Version
This is a lower class version of Photoshop, but it's just as good as any other manipulating program, I've used it once. Did OK!



Free Image Hosting Resources! (Requires membership, but it's free) (Requires a membership, but it's also a great way for numerous art resources)


MK Fonts

Non MK, but good art fonts

Art Tutorials

Every good graphic artist starts off with some sort of tutorials, here is a full list of some great places to start off with..

Enjoy, If you have any other places I forgot, I'll gladly add them.
I have Paint.Net, and I still prefer MS Paint over it. Everything I put here is from paint. Hell, paint one me second place in Khaos's contest (though that might have been from a severe lack of participation)!
this is really gonna help me out, too bad it wasn't posted a couple days before fake contest starts voting, i would have been able to make my entry better! Oh well easy come easy go
Kosta said:
I have Paint.Net, and I still prefer MS Paint over it. Everything I put here is from paint. Hell, paint one me second place in Khaos's contest (though that might have been from a severe lack of participation)!

There's nothing wrong with paint, sure It lacks a few features, but it will get the job done if you have the patience and determination to make something worth while.

You'd like PSP, it's enhanced version of MS Paint, but it's very easy to understand if you're use to using MS paint.
These are good tutorial sites. I use pixel2pixel a lot for my sigs. Thanx for postings this Khaos.
InfernoScorpion said:
Hey Khaos I got a great place for ya

It has a bunch of backrounds just for sigs, just pic which one you want and copy it, you also write text in it and it can add in shadows, blurry and other effects to writing i think , probably the backround itself too

Thanks for the attempt, but it's not really good advice to encourage people to use other peoples backgrounds, I might add it later though.
InfernoScorpion said:
Meh, its just a lot of backrounds FOR FREE that you can use when you make a sig or something, besides they are ment to be used....

Yes, they are ment to be used. But will you get any better using someone elses background? It shows no originality. But, if people want to use other's backgrounds. They can.
for anyone using, trypixelating a non-MK picture... Its the closest I've come to making something look 'MKish' that isn't. :(
For anyone using Sprites and suffering from white backgrounds (but is not using MS paint as this won't work for it).

1) don't right click to copy and paste the sprite into the picture.
2) Don't save it as a JPG
3) Save it as a GIF file.
4) Once done improt (open the file) it into your art program.
5) If you know how directly import it into the program you can do that.
6) Otherwise, select the whole drawing and NOW try copying it.
7) Paste it into you picture. It should not have a white background this way.