Freddy Krueger Thread - "Come To Freddy"

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Javoo on Fire

New member
Freddy Krueger "Come to Freddy.
~Come to Freddy. ~


Freddy Krueger is A dlc character announced to be released in August 9.

A malevolent spirit of the Dream Realm, Freddy Krueger preys on the souls of the living as they sleep. When Shao Kahn began to steal Earthrealm's souls - souls Freddy considered his own - Freddy battled the emperor in the Dream Realm. But Shao Kahn's will was too strong. He pulled Freddy into the real world, where he was mortal, and defeated him. A badly injured yet determined Freddy fitted both his hands with demonically enhanced razor gloves. Once he has killed Shao Kahn he will find a way back to the Dream Realm, where he will torment Earthrealm's souls for eternity.

Based on The trailer Freedy seems to have a great mix up game including ranged moves Teleport a stun and lots of slice and dicing tricks up his sleeve.

Spoiler for X-ray Attack and Specials:

Hell Spike (close): Down,back,1
Hell Spike (Medium): Down,forward,1
Hell spike (Far): Down,Back,forward,1
Sweet Dreams: Down,forward,4
Glove Toss: Back,Forward,2
Dream Shift (away): Down,Back,3
Dream Shift (Towards): Down,Forward,3
Freddy Flower: Down,Back2
Xray: What A Rush LT,RT

Spoiler for Notations:

1=Front Punch (square or x)
2=Back Punch (triangle or y)
3=Front Kick (X or A)
4=Back Kick (Circle or B)
Ex=enhanced version
J.=Jump/While in air
NJP=neutral jump punch

Spoiler for Strategy:

Spoiler for Kombos:
b1,2, u1, nightmare stance 1, dash, b2, 2, 2, ex mid spike, jump in 1/2, f4, 2, 1, mid spike- 14 hits 49% (with jump in)

low starter:
b3, 3, mid ex spike, jump in 1/2, f4, 2, 1, mid spike- 8 hits 39% (42 with jump in)

Spoiler for Fatalities
Tell Em Freddy Sent Ya - left, right, down, down, 1

Spoiler for Krueger Kombo/Awesomeness Videos;title


If you disagree or want to add something just post below and I will consider it, hope you enjoy the thread!

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Re: Freddy Krueger Thread-"hehehehe"

Props for ya for making the Freddy gameplay thread , it takes balls @ the moment to do it, hehe .... don't worry about the flame war, people will get used with Freddy , after some time, hehe !! XD
Re: Freddy Krueger Thread-"hehehehe"

Dont forget to add the spoiler tags, and Also remember to add his fatalities descriptions.
His moves, We don't know if it's auto-Find, or Manual Far/Low Moves.
But he has a move that makes his claws come out of the ground, VERY good combo opportunity in corners ^^
Other than that, -This post is Reserved for future use of Videos-
Re: Freddy Krueger Thread-"hehehehe"

aw and i was so sure it was going to be neo
this looks interesting but i am almost certain people are going to hate him
Re: Freddy Krueger Thread-"hehehehe"

I was gonna make this, but i guess ill just have to give you +rep ;)

idk to me he looks like he seems more inspired then rain rain is a mix of all ninjas together to me
I originally never saw the rain gameplay vids, so when I got him I realized something... He is the dumbest character in the entire game. Im gonna cut this guys legs off with...water? I know mk isnt realistic but come on. Plus as a character hes a carbon ninja copy. Worst five bucks ive ever spent
Re: Freddy Krueger Thread-"hehehehe"

Xray isnt right,
he stab's their lungs if you look at it correctly, lol.

Yw :) i'll continue to help.
Re: Freddy Krueger Thread-"hehehehe"

idk to me he looks like he seems more inspired then rain rain is a mix of all ninjas together to me
Yeah, how so? Just because?

And how is Rain a mix of all ninjas? Am I the only one who didn't see ice, smoke, acid or spear powers?
Re: Freddy Krueger Thread-"hehehehe"

no look how he plays he has the water bubble very similar to smoke
Water spray similar to reptile
Grab very similar to Noobs grab except he goes up first
See, don't argument if you don't really know what you're talking about.

Water bubble has been around since 1995, when Smoke was a complete Scorpion capycat. If anything it'd be Smoke to steal Rain's move, not the opposite. Plus, it has nothing to do with Smoke in any way, care to explain that?

Grab is a grab and visually it's still not a copycat from Noob's.

And how exactly water spray is similar to Reptile's? Water spray was Rain's projectile in Armageddon in 2007 and I don't remember Reptile having a similar move. Only in MK9, 2011, his enhanced acid looks like Rain's aqua splash, if anything, again, it's Reptile's move that is similar to Rain's, not the opposite.

I'll stop here ;) since it's obvious you never played as Rain before.
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