First Look: Mortal Kombat Special Forces

Jeff Greeson

Staff member
Our <A HREF="/firstlook/mksf/">first look of Mortal Kombat Special Forces</A> is finally complete. Even though the game was in an early form, I was very impressed with what Midway had already done with it. Here's a snippet:
<FONT COLOR="#FF9900">MK: Special Forces features seven full 3D worlds. The camera employs a 3rd person perspective behind your character. There is also a camera button that knocks the camera in place if you happen to be caught in an awkward angle. The overall speed of the game was pretty smooth, even though we were told that the engine hasn’t been optimized yet. There would be some slow down when your character was approached by multiple enemies. The Nintendo 64 version seemed to offer better visuals with smoother textures and less blocky scenes. This seems true about every game being developed for both the N64 and PSX.