Finsh What you Start Achievment


New member
You have to perform a fatality with each character, I've done this in the fatality trainer but didn't get it. Has anybody got this? Do you have to do them in actual matches?
I think you have to do them in matches, not sure though; I got my trophy from doing them in Challenge tower and Ladder mode.
I did all mine in ladder. Make sure you do them with the unlockable characters as well.

HOWEVER, I tried getting the grappler trophy (all fighters' forward and backwards throws) the same way, and it didn't work. Anyone shed some light on this?
I did all mine in ladder. Make sure you do them with the unlockable characters as well.

HOWEVER, I tried getting the grappler trophy (all fighters' forward and backwards throws) the same way, and it didn't work. Anyone shed some light on this?

I unlocked the grapper trophy by going into tag ladder doing the first persons b/f throw then tagging out and doing the second persons. After I did both I went to character select screen and pick the next two characters....rinse and repeat =)
I did all mine in ladder. Make sure you do them with the unlockable characters as well.

HOWEVER, I tried getting the grappler trophy (all fighters' forward and backwards throws) the same way, and it didn't work. Anyone shed some light on this?

I got that trophy while I was playing with Sheeva in challenge tower. I'm not sure why it doesn't work for you... Maybe try and reuse the fighters you use the least and do all their throws, maybe that'll help.
I recall performing each character's fatality but this trophy never unlocked until later today when I executed Johnny Cage's first fatality.

If anyone came here looking, try going for each characters first fatality first.
I recall performing each character's fatality but this trophy never unlocked until later today when I executed Johnny Cage's first fatality.

If anyone came here looking, try going for each characters first fatality first.

You can't do it in the Fatality Trainer. You can do it in 2 player versus, tho. It's tedious, but just go back through and do one with everyone.
The best way to do it is just by doing ladder with each character, you can get the f/b throws, the fatality achievements, and the endings plus various other achievements that involve the ladder.

EDIT - You cannot get the finish what you start or the f/b throws in training mode.
Exactly. I did mine all in either 2 player or the ladder mode. Now trying to b*tch that Shang Tsung double flawless.