Fatality Friday: MKCast Episode 2 Part 2 of 4

don't know how they've gone this far without explaining the omission of the run button...it's a huge drawback to fans hoping for a game set in MK3 roots...

on a positive note, I like how Mileena can stab her oppontents with her sai.

they showed a glimpse of Kitana's X-ray move...but of course they cut it off before finishing. - _ -
don't know how they've gone this far without explaining the omission of the run button...it's a huge drawback to fans hoping for a game set in MK3 roots...

The game can end up being good by itself without borrowing anything from the 2D games. Ed & co. are not remaking UMK3, nor are they going to take every suggestion from the vocal old school fans, especially that the franchise has done well without their support (which includes me). The moment they add a run button, the next thing you know, we'll be hearing complaints that the game requires two buttons to throw.

The old fans will basically be satisfied if the UMK3 core was used in a brand new game to a tee, only with new strings and moves. That's just not going to happen.

The last Scorpion vid was to me the very first indication of their commitment to building something that satisfies the casual and dedicated fans. It's good enough for me.
Good to see that the X-Ray and Special Move damage is not final.

They used a cheat code to enhance the Super Meter at the game shows, for the purpose of demonstration.

The last Scorpion vid was to me the very first indication of their commitment to building something that satisfies the casual and dedicated fans. It's good enough for me.
Agreed 100%.
Did anyone notice around 9 minutes when he said something to the extent of "No one would wanna play the old games with new graphics?"
Interesting. So it's likely that the designers read this forum.

Also, it's great that they're keeping the basic moves of roundhouse, uppercut, sweep, consistent with every character. But what I didn't know was that there was rear and front punch instead of HP and LP.
Did anyone notice around 9 minutes when he said something to the extent of "No one would wanna play the old games with new graphics?"

The context was creating something that's considered the same old game but shinier. A tired sequel basically, not necessarily a remixed/HD edition of an old game.
Did anyone notice around 9 minutes when he said something to the extent of "No one would wanna play the old games with new graphics?"

well call me the odd one out, because thats exactly what i thought MK9 was all about when i first saw the very first trailer for it, and you gotta admitt it sure looked like it was just a remake of UMK3 at first glance and to be honest i was kinda upset to find that it played more like street fighter with the dashing and im not looking forwad to all the doubble tapping back and forwad to menover about but hopefully ill get used to it, but i still think all the shuffling about looks silly. but hey MK is still the best idea since bread became available in a sliced format
Better than part 1, however, didnt give us a lot, i guess we should all be used to that by now, but its good to know that the xray/special moves damage and accessibility isnt final yet, cuz in my opinion, i hope xrays will take time to pull off, meaning the super meter doesnt fill up crazy fast. Another thing is the rear punch, front punch being talked about, thats cool, it adds variety and i like the fact that all the classic moves, like sweep, uppercut, etc. are basically pulled off in the same manner as they were in the classic games.

Did anyone noticed Tanya in the background? Around 07:35, she's tied up at Shao Kahn's Arena.

Dude, dont go jumping for joy, it doesnt mean tanyas included in the game, different characters are chained up in kahns arena from MK4 and onwards.
You b0rked the front page! But yeah, I was wondering why people weren't posting in the official thread.

please quit being that poster...

Great MKast, I also noticed that little line about "No one wants to play the same game..." thing, that was a good catch.

I hope they eventually give us like an inside look at what went in to each character.
i hope the last 2 parts are all Q&A segments, and hopefully they dont answer a lot of dumbass questions in thinking they would be giving too much away if they answer the good ones.
i hope the last 2 parts are all Q&A segments, and hopefully they dont answer a lot of dumbass questions in thinking they would be giving too much away if they answer the good ones.

I hope they do a little more than q and a. It needs something else like some stuff on a creation process involved with the game.