EXCLUSIVE: Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat on Xbox Live!

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Patrick McCarron

TRMK Admin, Co-founder
Staff member
<b>April Fools:</b> A fighting gamer's dream has come true as <a href="http://www.capcom.com">Capcom</a> and <a href="http://www.midway.com">Midway</a> have announced a major blockbuster announcement. The two companies have agreed to partner together for <b>Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat</b> on <a href="http://www.xbox.com/en-us/livearcade/default.htm">Xbox Live Arcade</a>! While <b>Capcom</b> is <a href="http://www.trmk.org/news/8404920/street_fighter_ii_live_pushed_to_q2_cites_online_troubles.html">hard at work</a> at bringing <b>Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting</b> to <a href="http://www.xbox.com/live">Xbox Live</a>, <a href="http://www.microsoft.com">Microsoft</a> has acted as an intermediary in order to bring the two companies together to the negotiating table.

<center><img src="http://www.trmk.org/images/af/sfmk1.png"></center>
Earlier this year Midway announced that they were in the process to <a href="http://www.trmk.org/news/8404552/ultimate_mortal_kombat_3_headed_for_xbox_live_arcade.html">bring Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 to Xbox Live Arcade</a> by the end of the year. <a href="http://www.trmk.org/news/8404920/street_fighter_ii_live_pushed_to_q2_cites_online_troubles.html">Major problems arose</a> in <b>Capcom's</b> development of bringing a twitch 2d fighter to <b>Xbox Live</b>; however, along with <b>Microsoft's Xbox Live engineers</b> a recent major breakthrough in the network code was acheived. Because <b>Microsoft</b> had a major role in the development, they owned shared rights to the network code along with <b>Capcom</b>. So, <b>Microsoft</b> approched <b>Midway</b> with this networking code for the recently announced port of <b>Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3</b>. Due to the fact that the engineering was done and would save months of development time, <b>Midway</b> agreed to allow <b>Microsoft</b> to comission the two companies for a versus title tentatively named <b>Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat</b>.

<center><img src="http://www.trmk.org/images/af/sfmk2.png"></center>
<b>Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat</b>, an <b>Xbox Live Arcade</b> exclusive, will feature all of <b>Midway</b>'s characters and background stages from their <b>Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3</b> title, while the selection of <b>Capcom</b>'s fighters and stages will come from games in the <b>Street Fighter Trilogy</b>. There will of course be the typical hidden characters and all new content not previously available in the earlier titles as well.

<center><img src="http://www.trmk.org/images/af/sfmk3.png"></center>
<b>Mortal Kombat</b> co-creator and <b>Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3</b> lead programmer <b>Ed Boon</b> had this to say about today's announcement.
"We at Midway saw this as a win-win situation for Midway and the fans of the Mortal Kombat series. I know I personally have always wanted to see Sub-Zero and Scorpion face off against Ken and Ryu, but the two companies could never come to any agreement. But now thanks to Microsoft's intervention fans of both games worldwide can battle it out head to head over Xbox Live Arcade."
<b>SFvsMK</b> is currently planned for release around two months after the separate releases of <b>Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting</b> and <b>Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 for Xbox Live Arcade.
:shock: Dude....... HELL NO! You must be kidding!

This is exactly what I've wanted since MK started. F***ing SLICK, man!
The timers are in the wrong spot. :P

That'd be frickin' awesome, though. Cool fakes, who did 'em?
The thing that gave it away for me was that I don't think that their will be any gihting game with 2D fighters vs 3D(ish) fighters.
where did they get those pics of the street fighter characters. They look way better than any sf game I've ever seen. I have the anniversary set for the xbox and the character models on that even look more pixelated than the ones this guy used.
I have to admit it. This was one of the few April Fools gags that I actually believed. :lol: Well it doesn't hurt to dream about it..
I just realized something April Fool's Day is the only day when you can rumor monger and not get accused for it unless you say april fools, I am totally taking advantage of this next year
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