Ed Boon Opines on Starting Out in the Gaming Industry

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Jeff Greeson

Staff member
Getting started in any industry is definitely an uphill battle. How much education plays a factor, what companies you should apply to, what job you should expect to land, etc. With many people actively seeking a new career in the gaming industry, many people wonder what it takes to break through. <a href="http://www.dperry.com">Dave Perry</a>, game developer extrordinaire, posted an <a href="http://www.dperry.com/articles/2006/06/ed-boon-mortal-kombat-cocreator/">interview</a> with none other than <b>Ed Boon</b>, co-creator of the <b>Mortal Kombat</b> series, in order to get his impressions and recommendations to those wanting to break into the industry.
<b>Without using terms like "indentured servant" or "voluntary servitude", please describe your ideal protege.</b>

That is the first time anyone asked be that question as I never really saw myself as someone who would have a protege. I suppose it would be someone who has a programming background. Even though I do very little programming now, I've always felt that my background has helped me communicate my ideas to the technical people on our team. So, I'd say, someone with a programming background, a knowledge and understanding of the big selling games and the ability to communicate their ideas clearly. This is especially true today with team of 40-50 people.
Overall, this is a very unique <a href="http://www.dperry.com/articles/2006/06/ed-boon-mortal-kombat-cocreator/">interview</a> that goes into the thoughts and ideas of the man behind the series, instead of the normal <b>Mortal Kombat</b> oriented interview.
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That's an awesome interview, Jeff.

Ed Boon said:
Everyone thinks they have the next Pac Man in their head, but it's the person who can turn an idea into a real functioning game that will get my attention.

That's the best bit out of the whole thing. It pretty much sums up my arguement in the art forums :biggrin:

Like I said, very good interview. It gives you some insite and isn't the same old MK drivel you see every where else.
Speaking of the next pac-man, I thought up a great idea for a game the other day. I think I'm gonna make a thread in General or something about peoples good ideas for new games! (If that's already been done stop me now)
I have to say that is a very intelligent and well thought out interview and was nothing I expected when I clicked on the Link. I usually breeze over this kind of stuff but this was an interesting read and I'm not usually that interested in the game industry.
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