Ed Boon Gamespot interview: Tremor in because of fans demand


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Is there any one demand from fans that was most prevalent, that is present in Mortal Kombat X?

"Character roster stuff has been a big one. There's a really big push for the obscure character we have, Tremor, which I got so many tweets from players wanting that character. It actually stood out to me as odd, but there was this swell of people pushing for it with petitions online and all of this crazy stuff, so we included him, and a big reason was because of fans yelling loud enough."

Hhahah this is not going to end well with fans who want other characters in ;)

To me this proves NRS goes above and beyond for fans and actually know certain characters have potential, but have to take into account sales and the classics.
Hopefully they will react to the fan demand for Fujin. I thought he was okay but now I want him after seeing the story footage.

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Hopefully they will react to the fan demand for Fujin. I thought he was okay but now I want him after seeing the story footage.

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Considering how awesome Fujin looks in the story bit we've seen, I'd find it odd if Fujin wasn't in the game. He doesn't look like just an updated version of any of his past looks, his outfit looked new and so beautifully detailed too. The other NPC characters we've seen so far haven't gotten such treatment.
Well, Tanya is in for the same reason. NRS noticed that alot of people wanted to see Tanya in the game, so they made her DLC.

Eh, I see a few people on this forum asking for her and nobody else. In fact I see most people disappointed she is included, I am betting she will be the least played/bought character from the DLC, she's just too forgettable and unimportant.

Rain and Fujin are the other two besides Tremor getting the most attention it seems.
Well as far as Tremor is concerned, it was pretty obvious he'd be included in some shape or form eventually. Tremor fans have always been very vocal about him. But if anything this proves that at the end of the day NRS does listen, we just need to sensibly relay whatever we ask for and odds are eventually we'll see what we asked for.

And Fujin? Maaaan, I hope he's the unlockable. That Raiden/Fujin tag team action was just too glorious and even better is the fact that Fujin didn't just get pushed around like a background character, he actually held his own and managed without Raiden having to swoop in and save him. If they're making him this cool in the first chapter alone, how can they not make him the unlockable.

Edit: Not really getting the lack of interest in Tanya, she seems pretty cool and given that NRS are in a better position to develop a characters gameplay, it's not likely that she'll play terribly.
Hopefully they will react to the fan demand for Fujin.

The fan demand for Fujin is VERY high, and it has been that high since MK9.
Fans wanting Fujin in since MK9 makes me think (or at least hope) that he's the unlockable character after beating story mode.
It doesn't make sense to me, otherwise (no offense to anyone here), that Tanya would be in over Fujin as DLC.

The popularity / favorability of the MK4 characters among the fans always seemed to be:
Quan Chi> Fujin> Reiko> Tanya> Shinnok> Kai> Jarek.
Can people please put spoiler tags when talking about something they've seen in the 25 minute footage, some of us do not want to know about that!!!!
Eh, I see a few people on this forum asking for her and nobody else. In fact I see most people disappointed she is included, I am betting she will be the least played/bought character from the DLC, she's just too forgettable and unimportant.

Rain and Fujin are the other two besides Tremor getting the most attention it seems.

I think the Tanya thing goes back to MK9 DLC when everyone was rioting for her. I never understood her appeal, just seems like a flat character. But they beefed up Shinnok and quan chi as well as reiko in the comics do she could be somewhat interesting I suppose...
Eh, I see a few people on this forum asking for her and nobody else. In fact I see most people disappointed she is included, I am betting she will be the least played/bought character from the DLC, she's just too forgettable and unimportant.

Rain and Fujin are the other two besides Tremor getting the most attention it seems.

This is just one forum though. There are lots of other Tanya fans out there. If it was just us on here who were asking for characters, then NRS wouldn't pay attention to them. XD
Can people please put spoiler tags when talking about something they've seen in the 25 minute footage, some of us do not want to know about that!!!!

Dude, there's hardly any spoilers at all in that 25 minute video. I don't understand why people are trying to avoid it so much. It's bound to get talked about.

Is it really going to make that big of a difference if you watch chapter 1 before you have the game?
There's over 20 chapters. :laugh:
Well, Tanya is in for the same reason. NRS noticed that alot of people wanted to see Tanya in the game, so they made her DLC.
Eh... I don't know about that. Tanya has a loud fanbase on the MK fansites, but I hardly see any major support on Twitter.

Tanya is in because Ed Boon likes her (she's named after one of his sisters), possibly the team as a whole (they did, after all, consider her for MK9 DLC), and because they needed a female for their quota and she's the best bet (along with Frost).
Eh... I don't know about that. Tanya has a loud fanbase on the MK fansites, but I hardly see any major support on Twitter.

Tanya is in because Ed Boon likes her (she's named after one of his sisters), possibly the team as a whole (they did, after all, consider her for MK9 DLC), and because they needed a female for their quota and she's the best bet (along with Frost).

Hmm, I'm sure I've seen or heard that Tanya was brought back due to fan demand.
Eh, either way, she's in and I'm happy. ^^
I think the Tanya thing goes back to MK9 DLC when everyone was rioting for her.

I don't remember people rioting for her in MK9, at all.
People were going nuts for Rain, Fujin, Kenshi and Cyber Smoke during MK9.
MK9 even had audio files that were found when the game was hacked that were for Fujin.
It did come as a surprise to me as well. As you guys say, you don't really see alot of people wanting Tanya. We are a rare species, we Tanya fans. :P

Yet there she is.
The thing is, only an idiot businessman wouldn't listen to fan requests.

The trick, and where a lot of people fail, is realizing when you need to tell your story and when you need to give in. I feel MK has (So far) been rather good about this, but I missed Post Trilogy pre MKvDC, too.
The thing is, only an idiot businessman wouldn't listen to fan requests.

The trick, and where a lot of people fail, is realizing when you need to tell your story and when you need to give in. I feel MK has (So far) been rather good about this, but I missed Post Trilogy pre MKvDC, too.
anyone thinking they just randomly chose tremor would be naive, at the very least. he was asked even back in MK9 and he ended up in that vita version. they already knew he'd be asked for more since they put him in , even as a clone character for the vita. perhaps they didn't expect him to get THIS much attention but the only reason Cortes denied his petition was a factor in his inclusion was to prevent what unfortunately happened right after, which was: OMG PETITION FOR LI MEI, OMG PETITION FOR HOTARU and a bunch of other shitty characters along with petitions of officially shut down characters such as Jade, hell, I even saw a mokap petition somewhere, I think. even if their original plan was to include someone else and push tremor in a possible second DLC pack, they'd be stupid not to include him at all with all this attention even if some percentage of the sigs for his petition were obviously double / fake etc
Tremor fans need to jump a cliff lol. we could have had Noob, Cyrax, or Smoke and we get Tremor... smh.... terrible.
I don't get what was so special for Trenor versus the other characters that get the same treatment with petitions and tweets? I mean, virtually any character can have a loud enough voice to make their favorites become plausible to play. Ed's explanation really didn't answer my question. :-/