Ed Boon Chat This Thursday


New member
Mortal Kombat co-creator <B>Ed Boon</B> has updated his <A HREF="http://www.noob.com/">page</A> with final details about his follow-up chat session. Here is all of the pertinent info:
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Mortal Kombat Chat:<BR>
Date: Thursday 9-16-99<BR>
Time: 6PM Pacific (8PM Central)<BR>
IRC Server: irc.dragondata.com<BR>
Channel: #mortalkombat<BR>
If you can't make it, don't worry! <B>TRMK</B> <A HREF="staff.html">staff</A> will be there and a log file will be available on our site shortly after the session ends. If you have any questions you want us to ask on your behalf, send them to <A HREF="mailto:jmw@mk.hotweird.com">TetterkeT</A>. To access the chat, you may want to grab <A HREF="http://www.mirc.com">mIRC</A>. Finally, to avoid repeat questions you may want to familiarize yourself with what took place at the chat session several weeks ago. View the log <A HREF="http://mk.hotweird.com/features/logs/08-25-1999.log">here</A>.
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