Early Fatality Friday: IGN's Inside the X-Ray Feature

Patrick McCarron

TRMK Admin, Co-founder
Staff member
Fatality Friday has come early this week, and <a href="http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/01/27/mortal-kombat-brutal-x-ray-action-video">IGN posted a new video feature</a> showing a bit of behind the scenes on how the <b>NetherRealm Studios</b> developers created the gruesome <b>x-ray attacks</b> in the upcoming <a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_9/">Mortal Kombat (2011)</a>.

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Included in this video are many unseen x-ray attacks and a few never before seen characters. Can you spot them all?
Damn it, LIU KANG and ERMAC revealed at the same time ! (at least !)

Kool... but all those bones's cracking sounds makes me sick after a while :/
Baraka's face at 1:16
Liu Kang at 1:20
Stryker at 1:38

Also, Kitana's, Goro's and Ermac's X-Ray moves.

Yes, and Sheeva almost confirmed, because of the four armed skeletton 3D model, which is not Goro's one ! (too thin)
i can proudly say that those where some of the most epic minutes of my life... i think im gonna cry :)))))
i've waited so long for videos like this!!!!!!!
Holy shit, Goro's X-ray is brutal. I like it. Ermac's is similarly awesome, and finally we have an idea of what Kitana's looks like.

I'm quite happy with this video.
LOL! That was an AWESOME featurette! Some of those X-Ray attacks are sickening, which is perfect!
Here's some screen-caps I took for people who haven't caught the mere glimpses of certain characters! Enjoy! :)



Now that's a fat update. Lui Kang looks awesome, Stryker... not that much.
From all the X-Rays I think Cyrax's is the best looking and Goro's is the most brutal. I'm also very happy that they showed Ermac in action.
It's funny how two of the most anticipated character reveals, Liu Kang and Baraka, happened at the same time.
What puzzles me the most are the broken limbs I saw in the video. I wonder how will a character throw punches if his hands are broken? I'm definately curious.
The game looks more polished and I'm even more excited about it after today's video. Although my thirst for information has been satisfied, I still hope they release something else this week, more character art perhaps...
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Damn that is freakin violent, i love it. actually made me a little nauseated with all the bone crunching and teeth flying, my jaw cringed!
All i can say as a lifelong mk fan is im GLAD warner bros. took over and allowed the extra time for polish. Midway never was able to do that financially said ed boon, so some games had glitches and bugs. Im happy they didn't release it on xmas, wouldnt have been as polished.
Parents are gonna freak out when they see their kids playing this new MK. Cant wait till April!!!!