did anyone noticed the chamber of fame stage is missing?


New member
i noticed that when i started to play arcade and ever noticed it showing up. so i checked in practice mode and nope it isnt lol. i wonder why they cut it out? i mean it's a fan favorite the choose your fatality's is great.
Yeah, the TRMK review stated that it was gone. Very likely because the stage had movements or was too graphically intensive to render.
Yeah the shaking can really turn the tables in a match. All it takes is one messed up combo to do it =(

Love your avatar by the way Lilrican!
Sickest Avatar on this site :D

Yea, the random shaking and things falling in the BG really distracted people and threw their execution off D:
lol hey thanks! lol im a jill fan nice to know they are others like me lol. i even cosplay as her from time to time lol
It's also covered in our MK Vita FAQ section. There is no reason it couldn't be rendered, just not worth it since the stage was banned. Also since they were trying to cram the game into 3GB card I'm surprised it's the only stage that was cut honestly.