Completely new to competitive MK

Hey whats up everyone! im pretty new to MK competitively and im looking for a mentor, Someone who can teach me as much as they so i can to become a better player. i do not expect to get good quick but i am determined to get better day by day, and just keep practicing
I am actually a Halo Reach player but its getting boring so i want to get into competitive MK. If anyone out there would like to be my mentor and teach me all i need to know please Hmu on Xbox Live.

GT: Trunks DbM or Fu7ureTrunks(secondary GT)

I will appreciate any feedback. Thank You

You tube MK boot kamp tom brady -- it's three hrs long but depending on your level, you could jump straight into the advance video.
i added both of your accounts, i'm down to play whenever. just hit me up next time you are on. i think this would be a good chance to gets some more games in with you too, ivital. you are a hauss.
How new are you to fighting games in general? Really really new? Because there is a lot of theology mental battles, and even physical battles like smelly opponents who dont use deodorant or sometimes you have to play at a tourney where the room feels like it's 95 degrees.

There is a lot to overcome and believe me it's fun to make the journey of Learning. I suggest you befriend someone who completely destroys you, someone your skill level that you go head to head with, and take a underling yourself that you can teach. When you're trying to grow as a player all 3 of these aspects can be very important, and I'll explain why when I'm home
It's not going to be learn combos and play online, it's a lot more to a fighter than combos. A combo is a tool used to help you win, I've played matches where I relied on Mileena's D+4 for spacing rather than going in for the combo, if I did get a combo in it was for punishing my Opponents mistakes.

Like Critical said, you have to be Mentally prepared also. Learning how to lose and to learn from your mistakes is key.