Character Choosing, Always Main Your Main, or Surprised By Someone New.


New member
I've always played Kitana and I still love her in MK9, I also used to love Kabal, but in this game he just got surpassed by other characters that for me felt more fun (Noob & Smoke).

Now, as I'm fooling around offline (online still unplayable for me, so I've trained my partner to be my punchbag) I've been discovering much joy in characters that at first I'd written off.

Jax - he's savage, for some reason I just don't want to invest time in learning him, but whenever I play as him I have a lot of fun.

Liu Kang - I always tend to ignore him as 'the bland one', but actually fighting with him is crazy fun, if there weren't so many other great choices out there....

Cyber Sub - Sub-zero but with speed and his moveset just seem to work perfectly, underrated extraordinaire.

Skarlet - easy to overlook, but she is brutal and in my view is the female Scorpion in terms of unforgiving close up attack variety and ease at closing distance.

Rain - I just didn't 'feel' his moves at first, he felt disjointed and didn't feel fluid (ja pun), but have been going back to him a lot now and am finding a lot of depth and versatility.
My main is now Stryker just because you feel like a total badass when you win with him. When I usually pick him and my opponent as a mic they're like "Stryker? Who the **** picks Stryker? :laugh:" Then I whoop them and they're like "Wow....wasn't expecting that."
Ive main Mileena In every MK game that she appeared in and i was Amazed at how easy it was To pick Mileena up in MK9, Since im a xbox player i didnt get the Demo to get early Practice in -Sigh- But in the arcade Kollection Im so ready to really dedicate my self to her in UMK3 and MK2 because Button smashing at age 6 was fun But using strats and playing online at age 15 is going to be Epic :D

Ive main Mileena In every MK game that she appeared in and i was Amazed at how easy it was To pick Mileena up in MK9, Since im a xbox player i didnt get the Demo to get early Practice in -Sigh- But in the arcade Kollection Im so ready to really dedicate my self to her in UMK3 and MK2 because Button smashing at age 6 was fun But using strats and playing online at age 15 is going to be Epic :D


I have to get a new MK9 and some Xbox Live Gold to fight you and your Mileena because...

My main is now Stryker just because you feel like a total badass when you win with him. When I usually pick him and my opponent as a mic they're like "Stryker? Who the **** picks Stryker? :laugh:" Then I whoop them and they're like "Wow....wasn't expecting that."

I recently picked up Stryker also, BECAUSE he isn't used. He has great specials that usually connect, lots of high/lowmixups also. Hard to combo with, but definitely satisfying to use.
D: Nooooo!!!

I recently picked up Stryker also, BECAUSE he isn't used. He has great specials that usually connect, lots of high/lowmixups also. Hard to combo with, but definitely satisfying to use.

Yeah in every fighting game I always try to get good and use most of the underdogs. And his combos are hard but like you said they are good to use and just juggling your opponent with gunshot makes you feel badass. Am I right? :)

Yeah in every fighting game I always try to get good and use most of the underdogs. And his combos are hard but like you said they are good to use and just juggling your opponent with gunshot makes you feel badass. Am I right? :)

Kinda Tempted to use Stryker o-o Is that a good thing?
Well I've mained Kabal in every game he has appeared in =)
Fortunately it's the same in this MK game, but I use a lot of characters as well. I think my mission in MK9 is to get decent with all the roster =P
I'll try Stryker and Sonya when I can play MK again.
i cant say how much i love jax i use a lot of different characters but since i picked up jax i cant stop playin as him kickin arse against people dat would usually beat me:twisted:
I hear ya: I find all the fighters to be pretty awesome (well, other than Sektor...I could never get the hang of him, and I find it`s a ***** fighting against him as well). I just don`t get invested in some of them when im scrolling through the characters, but there are some awesome underrated fighters in this. Like Lu Kang, Cyber Sub Zero, Sheeva, Jax, etc. Here are probably the ones I use the most.

Johnny Cage: Probably the main male character I play as. He`s pretty fast and agile, plus I love his specials and even his basic combat moves are fun and easy to use. Not to mention he has (arguably) some of the best fatalities in the game.

Reptile: Another very underrated character. I found his acid-based combat to be very cool. Not to mention his fighting style was very tricky and powerful, very unique compared to most of the other Kombatants

Mileena: My main female character: Very aggressive, very agile, very creepy. What`s not to like? I used to find playing as her awkward, but once I got used to her I became a force to be feared!

Kitana: What can I say: Kitana`s gameplay had some amazing flow to it, so much so I think she was the first character I really mastered. I just love slicing people to bits with some of her fan attacks, really a great fighter! I can see why she is a favorite among MK fans.
I only use jax because I always feel like I need to get better with him...but I never do lol. I just love his raw beat down style and now don't want to use anyone else.

Kabal is ****in amazing, I love him, but no good with. Played this guy altar133, think he beat me in 30 seconds. I've never seen someone with such skill and his dash cancels were perfect every time stopping right in front of you thinking you blocked and then BAM! my mind is still blown...Thought kabal was a very good zoner...but man what a rush down this guy had.
I usually pick ky main or characters that I'm thinking about maining to get more comfortable with them.

I'm usually surprised when the opponent picks someone new that I'm unfamiliar with.
I mean, I usually force myself to master characters I've been using since they were first released (Rain was difficult to pick up for me in the beginning) but Ermac just doesn't interest me at all in this game. I love his look and everything but he's just so boring for me. I also find Sub-Zero a bit bland in this game and not feeling his slow playstyle.

On the other hand, Nightwolf is just so much fun to play as, Kitana was surprisingly very easy for me to pick up and I've been really practicing with Jax lately.