Bruce Lee - Best Movie Fighter Ever


Active member
Ok, I own all the Bruce Lee movies ever made, and I gotta tell ya, he is probably the best movie fighter in the world. Better than Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and all the others, Bruce Lee pwns them all. I want your opinions on this and what movie he was best in. I personally liked The Chinese Conection.

Bruce Lee is definitly the best. He is the one who opened the way for Jet and Jackie and all the others. His was an extraordinary fighter in real life. He died way too young. :(
Yeah, a brain hemorage (sic) was what did him in. I mean, a man so physically fit that died so young from something that shouldn't have happened to him, it just shows that the best of us is still mortal.
Didn't he die because of a really bad reaction to some cannabis? Apparently he only had about 1% body fat and he wasn't able to take the strain.
DAv said:
Didn't he die because of a really bad reaction to some cannabis? Apparently he only had about 1% body fat and he wasn't able to take the strain.

He died in a coma...:|
I've read several different verisons of how he died. He was doing work at a set when he passed away supposedly. Some religionous types in China say he was doomed because his fame led to bad 'chi'. There are also people who come up with wierd and whacky thoeries as to how he died. No one story I've ever read/heard seems to be 100% certain what happened and how he died exactly. But that seems to be the most poulaur thoery, a Bruce Lee film show on TV said he had a accident on set or just collasped on set or something like that. Can't remember exactly.

I think his son also died for simulair believed reasons.
Wasn't Brandon Lee's death due to a "Blank" bullet killing him on set? I forget the details ... long time ago.

Too bad though. Brandon Lee was actually pretty funny.
El Chupacabra said:
Wasn't Brandon Lee's death due to a "Blank" bullet killing him on set? I forget the details ... long time ago.

Too bad though. Brandon Lee was actually pretty funny.

I believe that you are right about how Brandon died. I'll check on it, though.
Brandon Lee and Bruce Lee were not only good fighters/choreographers, but actually very good actors as well. They will be missed. :(
aparently the Lee family were cursed by gypsies, saying that each will die making a film. that's why shannon lee checks all the weapons herself before filming a scene
El Chupacabra said:
Wasn't Brandon Lee's death due to a "Blank" bullet killing him on set? I forget the details ... long time ago.

Too bad though. Brandon Lee was actually pretty funny.

It wasn't from the blank, but from the squib that was in the sack of groceries that he was holding when it went off I believe.
It seems to me that Bruce Lee died in the appartment of one of Game of Death actors. Some people from the movie were over there discussing stuff about the movie and Bruce said he had a bad headache or something. So the lady who was hosting this dinner meeting thing gave him some pills and let him lie down on her bed. He was lying there for a while so everyone assumed he fell asleep. Well when everyone left he was still "asleep" and she could't wake him up so she called an embulance and stuff. It turns out he was already taking some meds for his illness and the stuff she gave him reacted and caused him to die.
lol, i thought both of them died because of gunshot wounds....LMAO

Brandon Lee never finished The Crow. The guy that played Bison from Street Fighter died after filming too I think.