Scorpion's spear from full screen works wonders.
Just spear then 2,1,2 (PS3 that is Triangle, Square, Triangle). When he hits the ground immediately start doing the input for a spear. 9 times out of 10 Shang or whoever he's morphed into won't block this on Beginner. The one time he does, you can usuall spear him immediately again and catch him.
This isn't full proof, but I found this to be as effective as the youtube video I saw of jump punch/uppercuts.
Also for Jade, I beat her by rushing her with uppercuts constantly. She usually took a hit on one, then I whiffed 3-4 times but connected with another one.
DON'T TRY TO SPEAR HER! She's Immune to projectiles constantly (unlike the select screen Jade who has to blink purple). Don't waste your time with spears or any other projectiles, just rush her and uppercut her constantly. It was a pretty easy fight for me doing that. She seems to take more damage than normal characters do too so it doesn't seem to take as many hits to beat her.