Best Strategy to Flawless Shang to fight Jade?


New member
I meet all the other prerequisites every time to fight Jade, and have almost gotten a double flawless on Shang but simply can't do it. Are there any airtight methods out there yet for getting a double flawless on Shang Tsung?
Use someone with an Air Throw (Smoke, Jax, Scorpion). Keep jump kicking into an air throw, if he blocks you'll usually do a ground throw.
I just did this. It wasn't too hard with Kratos and an arcade stick*. You can just spam Apollo's Bow on beginner. I usually finished the early opponents within 18-20 seconds on the way up the ladder depending on whether or not they jumped or blocked.

Definitely make sure you do a Fatality on every character on your way up the ladder or she won't appear. I figured this out the hard way after getting a double flawless+fatality on Shang. :banghead:

If Shang manages to get a hit on you, you still have a chance to try again. Simply finish killing him without losing any rounds, press start when it says "Finish Him" and select choose a new fighter. This will allow you to try again without adding any losses to your record. Just make sure you don't lose any rounds and you can keep trying.

As a heads up, Retro Jade is going to be invincible to projectiles and she blocks a lot. I managed to beat her with Kratos's Herme's Dash and air attacks mostly. 5,000 coins per win, but i didn't get anything other than that for beating her.

*I say arcade stick because i could not do it fast or precise enough with the regular controller. I cannot stress enough the advantage you get from playing on a stick.
I meet all the other prerequisites every time to fight Jade, and have almost gotten a double flawless on Shang but simply can't do it. Are there any airtight methods out there yet for getting a double flawless on Shang Tsung?

Use the Select Screen glitch: beat Shang without losing a round (part of the requirement to fight Jade) then, when FINISH HIM! appears on the screen, press Start and chose Player Select. You can then repick your character and the fight with Shang will be restarted so you can try to get the Double Flawless again.
Scorpion's spear from full screen works wonders.

Just spear then 2,1,2 (PS3 that is Triangle, Square, Triangle). When he hits the ground immediately start doing the input for a spear. 9 times out of 10 Shang or whoever he's morphed into won't block this on Beginner. The one time he does, you can usuall spear him immediately again and catch him.

This isn't full proof, but I found this to be as effective as the youtube video I saw of jump punch/uppercuts.

Also for Jade, I beat her by rushing her with uppercuts constantly. She usually took a hit on one, then I whiffed 3-4 times but connected with another one.

DON'T TRY TO SPEAR HER! She's Immune to projectiles constantly (unlike the select screen Jade who has to blink purple). Don't waste your time with spears or any other projectiles, just rush her and uppercut her constantly. It was a pretty easy fight for me doing that. She seems to take more damage than normal characters do too so it doesn't seem to take as many hits to beat her.