Lux the Elder God
New member
Hello all,
So I was thinking about what to do to pass the time. Hopefully this wasn't done before this way, so here goes:
I was think of making a list of each Demo characters' BEST OF... and see what you guys come up with. When I say best of it translates to coolest, most imaginative and the most original. At the end we could have an outstanding winner as the BEST character from the demo:
Best Intro Pose: Johnny Cage's "I make this look easy"
Best Finishing Pose: Scorpion's drop to the underworld.
Best Fatality: Mileena's flirtatious head-rip
Best Basic Combo: Johnny Cage's Kick Slaps (<-X, X, X->)
Coolest Special Move: Sub-Zero's ground-freeze which makes you immobile.
Best X-RAY Punch: Sub Zero's kidney freeze + head-butt.
Coolest Throw: Scorpion's harpoon-in-face
Best Reaction after Flawless Victory: Mileena's "Was it good for you?"
Coolest Weapon: Scorpion's sword
Most Interesting Detail: Mileena's biting launch changes to stabbing if the opponent has one of her knives stuck in him.
Random Questions:
1. We can't preform the second stage fatality in the demo can we?
2. For those who pre-ordered a copy of MK, how are you dealing with the fact that the item will be shipped to you and you won't be able to pick it up in-store? Or does it work differently in your case?
So I was thinking about what to do to pass the time. Hopefully this wasn't done before this way, so here goes:
I was think of making a list of each Demo characters' BEST OF... and see what you guys come up with. When I say best of it translates to coolest, most imaginative and the most original. At the end we could have an outstanding winner as the BEST character from the demo:
Best Intro Pose: Johnny Cage's "I make this look easy"
Best Finishing Pose: Scorpion's drop to the underworld.
Best Fatality: Mileena's flirtatious head-rip
Best Basic Combo: Johnny Cage's Kick Slaps (<-X, X, X->)
Coolest Special Move: Sub-Zero's ground-freeze which makes you immobile.
Best X-RAY Punch: Sub Zero's kidney freeze + head-butt.
Coolest Throw: Scorpion's harpoon-in-face
Best Reaction after Flawless Victory: Mileena's "Was it good for you?"
Coolest Weapon: Scorpion's sword
Most Interesting Detail: Mileena's biting launch changes to stabbing if the opponent has one of her knives stuck in him.
Random Questions:
1. We can't preform the second stage fatality in the demo can we?
2. For those who pre-ordered a copy of MK, how are you dealing with the fact that the item will be shipped to you and you won't be able to pick it up in-store? Or does it work differently in your case?