Update 6
"All of you really had to go through that?" I asked as I finally regained my composure, brushing myself off as Chie held me close.
"Yes, we all had to face our true self. It was the only way to stop our shadows from attacking, and in the end, gain our Personas," Narukami replied as he holstered his katana, putting his hand on my shoulder. "And now you're just like the rest of you. You've gained a great amount of power, and your arcana isn't like any of ours, the Judgment arcana."
"Wait dude, you didn't have to face a shadow version of yourself! You totally got the easy way in!" Yosuke blurted out as he waved his kunai at Narukami.
"Well, does it really matter, Yosuke? You have to admit, if it weren't for me, we wouldn't have escaped from here in one piece."
"Yeah...I guess you're right."
Rise walked over to me, getting a good look and saying, "Guys, I think we should call it a night. He looks beat, so we can't just drag him around like this. Joseph, do you want to help us out tomorrow? We need to find whoever appeared on the midnight channel, before they get hurt."
"Sure, I'm in. You guys saved my life, so I pretty much owe you mine!”
“That’s the spirit!”
“Alright,” Narukami said, “Let’s head back, and meet up at Junes tomorrow after school. We really need to go over the situation.” All of us nodded in agreement as we headed back to the exit, when suddenly a strange figure appeared.
“W—what the hell is that?!” I shouted, taking cover behind some of the gang. In front of us was what looked like a cartoon character, a big, blue bear that wore what looked like a clown suit.
“You don’t have a beary good first impression, whoever you are. Hmph.”
“Beary good? What the hell? Who are you?! Do you guys know this…thing?”
Yosuke chuckled, just shaking his head. “Yeah, that’s Teddie.”
“Pretty straightforward name, right? Well, he’s on our side and it’s a long story to tell who he is.”
“I think I’ve had enough for one night. Let’s please just leave….”
We all headed back to the exit that Teddie had left for us, going back into our world. When we arrived back in my house they all made sure to keep quiet as they returned to bed, not wanting to wake my mother. I honestly couldn’t wait to meet at Junes tomorrow after school. A whole adventure seemed to lie in front of me.
The next day after school, I headed straight to Junes, seeing the others hanging out in the food court, joining them of course. “Sorry I’m late guys. I had to stop by my house first.”
“It’s all right,” Narukami replied, “We didn’t talk about much anyway. We decided to wait for you.”
“Thanks bro, I appreciate that.” I took a seat between Rise and Chie, when Chie scooted over closer to me, putting her head on my shoulder, making me blush slightly.
“Alright, so…you dudes have any ideas?” Yosuke asked, scratching his head in confusion.
“Ideas on what?” Yukiko responded.
“Who got thrown into the midnight channel of course? I honestly don’t have a damn clue, and the image was way too fuzzy to make out. I couldn’t sleep last night just thinking about it.”
“Well,” Kanji said, “It looked like a guy from what I could make of it. Didn’t seem like the figure of a chick, so I guess that could narrow it down a little more for us, huh?”
“I agree, Kanji,” I replied, “It didn’t look like a girl at all. It really kinda looked like a silhouette or something of whoever that was. I don’t think we’ll be able to narrow down who they are at all right now though. We couldn’t tell if he was young, old, a student, citizen, or even ethnicity. So basically, we don’t have a damn thing to go on.”
“Errgh! This sucks!” Yosuke shouted as he slammed his fist down on the table in sheer frustration. “I’m afraid that if we can’t save him now, he’s basically screwed!”
“Well, did you check the weather forecast, Naoto?” Narukami asked.
“Yes, and it appears that the fog will not disband for a while, so I believe we will have a chance to witness it again on tomorrow’s rainy night. Possibly, it will provide a much clearer image that we can go on, and then we can progress from there.”
“Sounds like a plan. Good work.”
“But what about Joseph?” Chie asked in concern, holding me close. “Do you think he’s ready to fight?
“That’s his decision, Chie.” Narukami replied, looking at me. “He seems motivated enough, so I think he’ll do just fine. I know you have his back anyway.”
“Damn right I do!” She smiled wide, cuddling up against me as I shyly accepted her comfort.
“Alright, it’s decided. We’re following Naoto’s plan and waiting. There isn’t much else we can do.”
“Alright, Senpai.”
“You got it, Narukami.”
“Let’s get some tofu in the meantime at Rise’s place, bro!”
The gang felt so full of energy. I felt like…I truly belonged.