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Epilogue: We all know Johnny Cage as an excellent fighter hidden behind layers of arrogant douchebagery. But have you ever wondered, what is the source of Johnny Douche's power? Wanna find out? Well, your in luck. Now lets see what hides behind the sunglasses and perfect smile.......
Chapter 1: The Beggining
Back in 100000 CE, the Mortal Kombat tournaments were just being instated to impede Shao Kahns merger of the realms. But there were no worthy warriors at the time, so the Elder Gods had to think of something. The Elder Gods then enlisted the Mayans, who had pledged there allegiance in exchange for unimaginable power, to breed worthy warriors, those who hold power beyond that of mere mortals.The Mayans were troubled at first, for they had not understood the concept of breeding super humans. Then, the tribes Witch Doctor, Tegucipallo , came up with an idea. Tegucipallo was very short, and was covered from the neck down in tree sap, as to preserve his body. His hair was very dark and greasy, covered with all sorts of feathers from many different birds. His teeth were a solid shade of yellow, well the one that he had left was. Because of this, he talked in a very ridiculous way, often making him impossible to understand. His face had the complexion of tree bark, with tons of warts covering his face. One of his eyes was always squinted, the other one was a lazy eye, making his expression terrifying 24/7. Tegucipallo new of a way to breed new warriors, by fusing proficient fighters with a sacred herb known as Tooloo powder. When the Tooloo powder was fused with humans, a fight test would ensue against impossible odds, most famous being five gorillas. If it worked, the warriors would win with no problem, and there eyes would always a glow a deep green, the color of pure jade. After Shao Kahn's last defeat, or so it seemed, the warriors were proved to be power hungry and dangerous, so they were locked away in asphalt, awaiting execution. However, one escaped, through means that no one ever found out. She was tall, with hazel skin. And just like every other Tooloo powered warrior, her eyes glowed with pure jade color.
Chapter 2: The Awakening
A million or so years later, Johnny Cage is on set filming scene 20 of Ninja Mime. Johnny is a very interesting person, although his ego can get the best at times,(ok, pretty much ALL the time). Johnny had made a lot of hit movies by then, his other most popular movie being "Time Smashers". After Ninja Mime finished, broke the box office at a record breaking 16.9 trillion dollars, Johnny was running out of ideas. But wait, how did Johnny discover his powers you may ask? Well, lets find out.
Chapter 3: Flashback
It was 1985, a teenage Johnny Cage was playing dodge ball with his friends, if paying them hourly to do so counted. Johnny's mom and father had very good jobs, so they had plenty of power in their small community of Kwan Valley, all bought through money. Johnny's mother was the sweetest thing you could imagine. She was tall, with black hair, always cut short or in a ponytail, and had this cute little scar on her cheek, it was also tainted with the color of asphalt. Her face can only be described as the embodiment of kindness. Her face was warm, always happy, and had the smoothest skin you could imagine. She was part Asian, so her eyes were a tad bit slanted. Her hazel skin was so beautiful, all the men in the town swooned at her sight. But she was no ordinary lady, she was extremely proficient at staff and boomerang training, making her a force to be reckoned with. While she was practicing, her eyes turned a pure green, a green that can only be described as the color of pure jade.
Chapter 4: The Discovery
"Toss it over here!", Johnny's friend Jace shouted as they passed the ball back and forth. Jace's parents were very overprotective, so he was always covered in a black jumpsuit, completely opaque. All there was to see was a small tuft of blonde hair, and a pair of rosy red eyes. Jace didn't really like Johnny as a person, but 1000 bucks and hour was too good to pass up. "Check this out!" Johnny screamed as Jace threw the ball towards him. Johnny jumped in the air, and suddenly, he rocketed forward, encased in a green aura. Jace looked on in amazement. "Holy smokes....." Jace exclaimed under his breath. He nearly fell to his knees from shock, and of course, jealousy of Johnny's cool powers. When Johnny landed on the ground, he had no idea what happened. "Uh.... OUCH!" Johnny yelled as the deflated dodge ball landed on his head. Johnny came to his senses and ran home, leaving Jace in the grass with his jaw hanging open."Mom, are you home!?", he shouted," I have to ask you something!". "Coming sweetie!" Johnny's mom rushed to his side. When she saw the deflated dodge ball and the green aura coming off of it, she turned pale as snow and tensed all her muscles."Johnny......", she said with a very shaky voice," Go to your room for a sec please". "But mom, i have something to...". "Just go for a second.", Johnny's mom said in a calm yet stern voice. Johnny, dazed and confused, climbed the stairs to his room. He needed alone time anyway. "Jade....". A shadowy figure came from outside the door. "You have to tell him eventually." "He doesn't need to know yet!" Jade sounded like she was about to cry. "And i don't go by Jade anymore!" She yelled. Johnny was startled, but was too wrapped in thoughts to even care. "Ah yes, what was it that you called yourself now..... Marie is it?" The figure tilted its head quizzically."Y-yes". Marie was very shaky in her tone, like she was fighting all the urges to have a breakdown right then and there.The figure chuckled. "Heh heh, well it seems that the boy knows what he's capable of!". "I know.....". Marie looked longingly at her family picture. Her, Johnny, and her late husband. She then looked down at her hand as her staff changed in length, over and over again.(Cant continue for a while, some shit went down and its suckin my free time away, will try to continue as soonn as possible though)
Chapter 1: The Beggining
Back in 100000 CE, the Mortal Kombat tournaments were just being instated to impede Shao Kahns merger of the realms. But there were no worthy warriors at the time, so the Elder Gods had to think of something. The Elder Gods then enlisted the Mayans, who had pledged there allegiance in exchange for unimaginable power, to breed worthy warriors, those who hold power beyond that of mere mortals.The Mayans were troubled at first, for they had not understood the concept of breeding super humans. Then, the tribes Witch Doctor, Tegucipallo , came up with an idea. Tegucipallo was very short, and was covered from the neck down in tree sap, as to preserve his body. His hair was very dark and greasy, covered with all sorts of feathers from many different birds. His teeth were a solid shade of yellow, well the one that he had left was. Because of this, he talked in a very ridiculous way, often making him impossible to understand. His face had the complexion of tree bark, with tons of warts covering his face. One of his eyes was always squinted, the other one was a lazy eye, making his expression terrifying 24/7. Tegucipallo new of a way to breed new warriors, by fusing proficient fighters with a sacred herb known as Tooloo powder. When the Tooloo powder was fused with humans, a fight test would ensue against impossible odds, most famous being five gorillas. If it worked, the warriors would win with no problem, and there eyes would always a glow a deep green, the color of pure jade. After Shao Kahn's last defeat, or so it seemed, the warriors were proved to be power hungry and dangerous, so they were locked away in asphalt, awaiting execution. However, one escaped, through means that no one ever found out. She was tall, with hazel skin. And just like every other Tooloo powered warrior, her eyes glowed with pure jade color.
Chapter 2: The Awakening
A million or so years later, Johnny Cage is on set filming scene 20 of Ninja Mime. Johnny is a very interesting person, although his ego can get the best at times,(ok, pretty much ALL the time). Johnny had made a lot of hit movies by then, his other most popular movie being "Time Smashers". After Ninja Mime finished, broke the box office at a record breaking 16.9 trillion dollars, Johnny was running out of ideas. But wait, how did Johnny discover his powers you may ask? Well, lets find out.
Chapter 3: Flashback
It was 1985, a teenage Johnny Cage was playing dodge ball with his friends, if paying them hourly to do so counted. Johnny's mom and father had very good jobs, so they had plenty of power in their small community of Kwan Valley, all bought through money. Johnny's mother was the sweetest thing you could imagine. She was tall, with black hair, always cut short or in a ponytail, and had this cute little scar on her cheek, it was also tainted with the color of asphalt. Her face can only be described as the embodiment of kindness. Her face was warm, always happy, and had the smoothest skin you could imagine. She was part Asian, so her eyes were a tad bit slanted. Her hazel skin was so beautiful, all the men in the town swooned at her sight. But she was no ordinary lady, she was extremely proficient at staff and boomerang training, making her a force to be reckoned with. While she was practicing, her eyes turned a pure green, a green that can only be described as the color of pure jade.
Chapter 4: The Discovery
"Toss it over here!", Johnny's friend Jace shouted as they passed the ball back and forth. Jace's parents were very overprotective, so he was always covered in a black jumpsuit, completely opaque. All there was to see was a small tuft of blonde hair, and a pair of rosy red eyes. Jace didn't really like Johnny as a person, but 1000 bucks and hour was too good to pass up. "Check this out!" Johnny screamed as Jace threw the ball towards him. Johnny jumped in the air, and suddenly, he rocketed forward, encased in a green aura. Jace looked on in amazement. "Holy smokes....." Jace exclaimed under his breath. He nearly fell to his knees from shock, and of course, jealousy of Johnny's cool powers. When Johnny landed on the ground, he had no idea what happened. "Uh.... OUCH!" Johnny yelled as the deflated dodge ball landed on his head. Johnny came to his senses and ran home, leaving Jace in the grass with his jaw hanging open."Mom, are you home!?", he shouted," I have to ask you something!". "Coming sweetie!" Johnny's mom rushed to his side. When she saw the deflated dodge ball and the green aura coming off of it, she turned pale as snow and tensed all her muscles."Johnny......", she said with a very shaky voice," Go to your room for a sec please". "But mom, i have something to...". "Just go for a second.", Johnny's mom said in a calm yet stern voice. Johnny, dazed and confused, climbed the stairs to his room. He needed alone time anyway. "Jade....". A shadowy figure came from outside the door. "You have to tell him eventually." "He doesn't need to know yet!" Jade sounded like she was about to cry. "And i don't go by Jade anymore!" She yelled. Johnny was startled, but was too wrapped in thoughts to even care. "Ah yes, what was it that you called yourself now..... Marie is it?" The figure tilted its head quizzically."Y-yes". Marie was very shaky in her tone, like she was fighting all the urges to have a breakdown right then and there.The figure chuckled. "Heh heh, well it seems that the boy knows what he's capable of!". "I know.....". Marie looked longingly at her family picture. Her, Johnny, and her late husband. She then looked down at her hand as her staff changed in length, over and over again.(Cant continue for a while, some shit went down and its suckin my free time away, will try to continue as soonn as possible though)
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