Ant-Man Movie Discussion


mmmmm i am mixed

The Wrap reports paul-rudd-ant-man that Rudd is in early talks to play the lead in Ant-Man, having beaten out another contender in Joseph Gordon-Levitt (who recently signed on to produce and star in Warner Bros.’ Sandman adaptation with an eye to direct). No plot details are currently available for Ant-Man, but with The Avengers: Age of Ultron scheduled to open a few months before the Wright film, it’s safe to assume Pym will be dealing with some of the fallout from the events of the superheroic sequel. The title villain of that film, however, will not be a major player in Wright’s Ant-Man.
ANT-MAN Story Using Scott Lang as the Protagonist

so a heist movie perhaps? i can dig it

You may recall that back in 2009 through 2010, Edgar Wright took up posting a photo a day on his website, and among the images on his daily photoblog he would tease Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It’s possible he’s started up the habit again for Ant-Man. Yesterday, Wright posted an image from the animated series Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes episode “To Steal an Ant-Man” in which Scott Lang swipes the original Ant-Man equipment from inventor Hank Pym, and uses it to commit crimes. While there’s been a persistent assumption that Pym would be the lead character in Ant-Man since he’s the original superhero, he’s also kind of the worst (at least in the comics). Additionally, when Paul Rudd signed on to play the role, Marvel’s official announcement didn’t specify his non-costumed alter-ego.

Hit the jump for more. Ant-Man opens July 31, 2015.

Via Edgar Wright (hat tip to CS for spotting the screengrab’s origin).


With this new image, signs are leaning heavily towards Lang being the protagonist. All the way back in 2006, Wright told SHH about his idea for the film:

Is to have a film that basically is about Henry Pym and Scott Lang, so you actually do a prologue where you see Pym as Ant-Man in action in the 60′s, in sort of “Tales to Astonish” mode basically, and then the contemporary, sort of flash-forward, is Scott Lang’s story, and how he comes to acquire the suit, how he crosses paths with Henry Pym, and then, in an interesting sort of Machiavellian way, teams up with him.

Obviously, a lot has changed since then in terms of how the Marvel Universe has been crafted. The current plot could be incredibly different, but the larger point is that Scott Lang isn’t some new part of Wright’s thinking. As for the “how he comes to acquire the suit”, perhaps this is part of the “heist film” aspect Kevin Feige mentioned to IGN.
