Announcing TRMK's Live Coverage of E3 2001

Jeff Greeson

Staff member
Continuing a yearly tradition, TRMK will be reporting live from the Electronic Entertainment Expo at Los Angeles, CA. Although we have word from numerous internal sources that <STRONG>Mortal Kombat 5</STRONG> will not be shown at E3 this year, TRMK will be at the show live and in person to report anything related to <STRONG>Mortal Kombat</STRONG> being shown on the LA Convention Center floor. Official coverage will start tomorrow, <B>Thursday, May 17th</B>, with a quick report from Midway's booth on the whereabouts of <STRONG>Mortal Kombat 5</STRONG>. Also, check back later tonight to see if we can get another "sneak peek" of the show's floor a day early. Keep it tuned to TRMK for the first word on <STRONG>Mortal Kombat 5</STRONG> at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2001.