Script: Paid to die


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Paid to Die


Dale Gunn- Richard Mayson
Kenneth Walker - John Winfield
Callum Walker - George Ripley
Graham Gunn - Joseph Maiden
Grant Gunn - Matthew Valentine
Paulo - Stephen Phillips

Camera moves through the house and ends up in the room with the three teenagers. They are pacing equipment into there backpacks. And they are joking about and laughing.

Callum: So why did you drag us all the way down here. I have some important stuff to do.

Paul: What could you have to do that’s more important than the outing of the centaury. Did he not tell you what’s happening.

Kenneth: Here I’ll explain it. I was reading this book and they are offering five people two thousand dollars each. But they have to go into a cabin just in the woods about 15 miles away.

Dale: You mean all we have to do is go to a cabin and we get the money.

Kenneth: No there’s a story behind this

Goes into a cut scene where you see pictures of dead bodies, weapons and evidence. These all lead up to a picture of the killer. In the background you can hear Kenneth talking about the killer “He was put on trial with murder but nobody had strong evidence against him so he as set free”.

Grant: You mean that were going to a killers cabin.

Paul: Yea basically that’s it.

Dale: Hold on none of you said anything about a killer. I am not doing it now you can forget about it. Screw the money.

Kenneth: For the love of god will you stop being such a wuss and go with us.

Callum: Yea come on don’t worry ill protect you from the boogiemen. (laughs and hold the torch under his chin)

Dale: Shut up you little a**hole (reaches out to hit Callum but is restrained by Kenneth and Paul)

Grant: Listen guys are we going to get going or are you guys going to bitch all night.

Kenneth: Hey Steven you got the map and everything

Paul: Yea, Well as much as I can remember anyway.

Callum: Hey guys how long are we spending there.

Kenneth: Were staying overnight. Oh yea that reminds me pack the tent.
Dale: That thing only holds like two people how are we all meant to fit in it.

Kenneth: Were not all going to fit in it. Some of you are going to have to sleep outside.

Grant: I aint

Callum: I aint

Paul: Neither am I.

Dale: For Fuc* sake. Why the hell do I always get the short end of the straw.

Kenneth: Hey Richard over here don’t forget I have to sleep outside as well.

Camera fades out to black and it comes back in with all them helping set up the tent and a fire.
