Shao Khan is a pain...


New member
Damn it! Shao Khan keeps kicking my ass! I do just fine until he pulls out his hammer and starts spinning around with it! Now I know that you're supposed to perform a long jump to aviod getting hit, but he gets me anyway! WTF?! Is there some sort of special way that I'm supposed to jump or something, 'cause he keeps kicking my ass! Any suggestions? This long jump thing isn't helping me much...
I could't beat him eather until some how I did just run away as fast as you can and if you have to do the super jump move.It worked for me try it and if it doesn't work then that sucks offense
am i the only one? To beat him make sure you have full power and we begins spinning evade his attacks with block and x (PS2 version) When he stops and you have no more power throw the head at him but he has a chance to block the throw but continue the process and you will kill him eventually.
There really isn't any strategy, just know how to avoid his whirling hammer of death attack and hurt him as you please. You can hit him with the head (does the most damage, but slow), hit him with a projectile, hit him with another special move, close up moves should be used at your own risk. I beat him with Kung Lao without even getting hit (mind you this is after losing to him at LEAST 25 times over and learning his attack patterns).

Really the only advice here is to long jump out of his way (as in to the side of where he is coming from) followed by a second long jump out of his way when he gets close, then double jump over his head as he comes around again. Works every time.
^Guarding is your best friend.

I beat him the second time I fought him, when he gets close with the swirling attack just keep evading it, and you should get a flawless victory.

The first time I was testing I had 1/3 of my health left and then the damn swirling hammer of doom came and... Faltity!
When I first started playing I too couldnt beat him, I would get up to him with full life and when he took his damn hammer out he would kill me.

The best way to beat him is with a friend because he cant chase you both at the same time so when he goes for your friend thats when you attack. The key is teamwork