Reptile makes me sad.

I like non ninja Ermac and reptilian Reptile, these are the only two "ninjas" I don't mind not being ninjas anymore.

However Reptile looks ok at best in this game, I liked MK9 Reptile more and I think many of the unused concepts for this game are way better. I also liked MK9 Ermac more (main and alt, specially main outfit), full covered face looks way better.

Number 3, 4 and 8 are amazing, just amazing, I don't understand why we didn't get any of those.

I really like 1, 5 and 6 in this pic.
I like playing as him. I just dislike his look is all. Kinda wish he was half man half reptile kinda like Goro being half man half dragon.
But the original Reptile over shadowed Sub and Scorpion. Sure, he was a hidden fighter but he had both of their move sets. haha

Anywho, I like this