Your variations for characters?


New member
What variations could returning characters (or new ones you can think of) have that you can think of?

As my favourite character, I have been hoping Baraka could return but was finding it hard what his variations could be as he really has his blades and...well...that's it. Here's some I created, though I couldn't think of any for Havik or fujin...


True Tarkatan - Focusses on his blade moves, blade fury/swipe/flurry/spin
Blinding Light - Focusses on his blade spark move and can do it straight, low, high and create a larger bright spark to blind the opponent for a temporary time.
General - Allows him taunts that up his damage and health such as him roaring, scraping his blades etc... can also call for a volley of arrows from his Tarkatan army to rain down on the opponent.


Chameleon - Range of moves to do with his invisibility, like his fatality where you don't know how he kills his opponent.
Assassin - focusses on his speed and sliding abilities, also can utilise a move to throw multiple small force balls in quick succession
5th Limb - Clutching here but if he has a tail (like deadly alliance) this would utilise it for counters, throws, slams and keeping the opponent at range.


Gymnast - Utilises his handstand ability opening up new moves with it
Burnt Lotus - Hands always on fire and focusses on his fire based moves such as his rising heelflip, fire kick and fire uppercut.
Electric Lotus - Utilises his staff (though considering he only got it after Raiden passed it too him...this one is reaching) with lightning abilities.


Lightning Prince - focusses on his lightning attacks such as his lightning bolt.
Watersports - focussing on his water based attacks, such as his bubble and water gun moves
Dimension Cutter - utilisises more moves that can move the opponent after hits around the screen (like his roundhouse) and also actually get his daggers to do something for once


Ninja - utilising his throwing stars and flipping pop-up moves, such as his vertical slam and slide move
Emperor - Borrows some Shao Kahn moves (with ghostly glow of kahns armour) such as his charge and energy hammer (slight way to put Kahn in the game despite being dead)
Contortionist - Can use his flip kick and other new moves where he can contort his body for impossible otherwise moves.


Bloodlust - Can use various counters to grab the opponent and suck there blood, resulting in small increase to her health
Succubus - Implements more moves to do with her wings and allows her to fly (similar to Hawkgirl in Injustice)
Vampire Queen - Can summon bats to hurt the opponent or distract them


Mimicry - Can do some of the opponents move-set against them.
Elder God - Focusses on his skeletal hands moves and can summon one to punch, slam on or hold a player in place for a hit
Amulet - Can utilise his amulets powers to send out a fireball and also summon a skeleton that shall do an one attack to the opponent, unless hit, before it crumbles to dust

You guys have any? I'd love to hear them