2500 King of the Hill Trophy Boost?


New member
Hey guys, I'm new here so hi, from the UK so EU version on PS3

Been trying to earn some respect points, on about 580 (I think), I'm finding it very difficult to find KOTH games online, they're difficult to join, tend to lag a bit more so are difficult to combo and if I've noticed you tend to get some expert player come along and own everyone. Another problem is if you host a room for the 2500 trophy the same happens, some loser will join just because its a chance to jump on players who aren't expecting a fight or maybe cause new players will be there (I find it very irritating how the beginners room is never full of beginners). Then there's the classic beating someone who becomes bitter and gives you 0 lol

Dunno if this is looked down upon but if anyone wants to boost and use the low health code to boost and earn the trophy through a private KOTH set up, let me know, psn being down and my online hating MK til the recent updates means most players who care already have this trophy but I'd appreciate anyone who wants to help, let me know guys