How to do animality's?

Noob Saibot 2011

New member
Whenever i try to do the input code for an animality on UMK3. It doesn't work.? is this been confirmed as a bug or am i missing something. I am doing the input correctly btw.
You have to be on the third round and perform a mercy after winning (supposed to be hold run, down, down, down, release run) and then finish the round again and then perform the animality input, however I've had troubles just getting mercy to work, I did it once and it never worked again so I'm not sure if it's a glitch or what's going on.
You have to be on the third round and perform a mercy after winning (supposed to be hold run, down, down, down, release run) and then finish the round again and then perform the animality input, however I've had troubles just getting mercy to work, I did it once and it never worked again so I'm not sure if it's a glitch or what's going on.

You have to be outside sweep distance when performing Mercy and when you are doing an Animality you have to hold block for instance with Nightwolf it's Forward, Forward, Down, Down (Close) if you just press the input it doesn't work (At least I can never get it to) you have to hold block.

Hope this helps
You have to be outside sweep distance when performing Mercy and when you are doing an Animality you have to hold block for instance with Nightwolf it's Forward, Forward, Down, Down (Close) if you just press the input it doesn't work (At least I can never get it to) you have to hold block.

Hope this helps

Didn't see that information when I looked it up, it helps a lot and I got it to work now. Thank you for the help!
I had ALOT of trouble with Animalities too lol.
PS3, on round three (little outside sweep) Hold L1 and hit down 4 times, then release L1.
This is the mercy, and both you and you opponent's health will be in danger.
After you hit them, you are now free to perform the Animality.
Successful win is Successful.
You actually only have to press down twice and then release Run. One thing I'm surprised about is they didn't list Mercy in the move list at all.
You actually only have to press down twice and then release Run. One thing I'm surprised about is they didn't list Mercy in the move list at all.

Its NOT 2, its 4 runs AND they had to leave some sort of surprise in the game didnt they? I get Mercy and Animality to work every single time! It just takes practice guys!

BTW if you lose the Mercy, The AI performs a fatality automatically.
And the AI can perform Animalities without Mercy or even a round three.
BTW if you lose the Mercy, The AI performs a fatality automatically.
And the AI can perform Animalities without Mercy or even a round three.

Just to add to that. In a 2-player game (online or offline) If YOU want to do an Animality, then YOU have to do a Mercy first (of course), BUT, lets say that YOU perform the Mercy and YOU get beaten by the OTHER player that YOU just performed a Mercy on (hahah, don't laugh, it happens sometimes... lol), then the OTHER player can just do the Animality (if they so chose to) and they do NOT have to perform the Mercy on YOU before that, because Mercy has already been enabled! MERCY can only be done ONCE! It cant be done twice (as in if YOU do it, then the OTHER player cant! And vise-verse!)

Just so people know. I have had this happen to me, and then the OTHER player tried doing a Mercy on me because now they wanted to do an Animality, but it doesnt work that way, and they ran out of Fatality time before they realized that the Mercy CANNOT be performed (a) Twice by the same person, or (b) Twice PERIOD (once by you and once by them)! haha

***Basically just remember, if Mercy has already been performed by EITHER player then an Animality can be performed by EITHER player as soon as it says Finish Him/Finish Her again (presuming the one trying to execute the Animality is NOT the one that's standing there dazed and confused, lol)