XBOX: MK9 Good Games Thread


New member
We have one of these over on MKU so i thought i would bring it over to TRMK.

I will start..
GGS to buddthagreat, very nice Mileena and Shang Tsung!
GGS to saix88, likin that Jax man!
GGS to x hitokiri z x, your Reptile scares me!
GGs to poopingtoad beast with Johnny Cage and pissed me off with Sonya
GGs to ST3RL1NGXS1LV3R this dude has a badass Liu Kang and Ermac
GGs to KING MoTiVaTioN she has Kung Lao down packed
GGs to Kinetic Demise owns with Kano
GGs to BeatDownMao nice looking Jax, I see what u did there
GGs to BeatDownMao nice looking Jax, I see what u did there

I don't get this lol.

Thanks everyone.

GG treadmill - best reptile ever
GG tesusjits *toodamnclean* - Always fun playing with you, great sektor.
GG poopingtoad - scary johnny and amazing with eveyrone
GG buddthagreat - great shang tsung, just had me staring at the screen like wtf...
GG exemery - fun playing your kitana

I think I need to move on from jax and start learning other characters...going to take Treadmills advice and learn Nightwolf.
Good Games to

Squirrelpion - Beast Smoke and Scorpion
TesusJits - Great Sektor also his Jade and Reptile is awesome
Saix88 - One of the only couple of Jax players I've seen
I can't believe I forgot about Squirrelpion, I talked to him yesterday. Great scorpion, have yet to face his smoke.

Wraith your never on!!! I think i've only played you once.

Ai ya...I forgot about tesusjits jade, must have been to many poles to the face.
We've played a couple times but I don't really play my xbox that often I'm usually on here or watching T.V.
Any UK people wanna play private matches please add me on xbl my gamertag is Zabuza0fTheMist the O in 0f is a zero. Just cant seem to play this game online at all just get gam has dsychronized message 90% of the time an then if i do get in the game is laggy an i cant move. Ive got a 20mb connection that runs at a solid 15mb an 2mb upload this really should'nt be happening. So gona try uk only private matches. Thanks
mk9 doesn't need a GGs thread. i've never met a group... well actually, community who are as negative as the MK one. not counting the people on this site, but mainly the scrubs who strut around online, the "casuals". i either have to deal with a major case of Grade A Brazilian Lag or run into scrubs who leave after 1 game. it's pathetic, it's the most pathetic garbage i've ever seen. if you honestly leave after 1 game and it has NOTHING to do with lag, but because you know you can't win consistently, you're a failure and you need to stop playing MK.

budd, we played 2 matches yesterday but my internets been really bad lately cuz of the weather and i think my modem is going bad now. ur mileena is really good tho, best mileena i've ran into that doesn't rely on lag tactics. if anything, u deserve a GG.
gg cactus flagg, nice baraka.

YOU were the Jax player I played in the TRMK room I made??

Oh wow, if you cornered me with Jax it was pretty much "gg round".

Thanks for the shout-out man, im trynna give all my other mains a rest to concentrate on Baraka for awhile.

EDIT: I recognise FR Stack as well, and have had quite a few good matches with him also. Bud and Pooping, i've seen you in the lobbies and im sure i've probably played you at some point but cant remember.
budd, we played 2 matches yesterday but my internets been really bad lately cuz of the weather and i think my modem is going bad now. ur mileena is really good tho, best mileena i've ran into that doesn't rely on lag tactics. if anything, u deserve a GG.

GGs too, I knew I seen your name somewhere before shoot me a friend request we can play some more I'm always looking for friendly games...Mileena is my main b!+{# lol
GGs too, I knew I seen your name somewhere before shoot me a friend request we can play some more I'm always looking for friendly games...Mileena is my main b!+{# lol

ya, no problem man. ya, i can tell, she's solid as hell.

i usually hate playing mileena, scorpion, ermac, and omg.. the worst of them all, GAIDEN. i'll take an a** whoopin from kabal anytime online, cuz i know offline kabal is on the top of the food chain, but my god... every raiden player it seems like, plays him completely wrong. they use the teleport that offline and even in a decent connection would get punished every single time. they don't even use it to dodge projectiles, it's just a means at getting in close cuz they know there's no way to react to it.

i'd love to see all those players apply that strategy offline, it would make my week.