Character HP


New member
It just occured to me, with the exception of the bosses, all the characters in this game have the same health.

What are peoples thoughts on this. In fighting games like SF, some of the bigger characters have more HP but are much slower, where some exceptionally powerful characters have low HP to compensate.

Do you think characters having the same health is balanced? Sheeva is slower than someone like Mileena, and has a slower uppercut, yet judging by her size you would think she should have more health.

Is playing with a characters health a good way of balance or not?

i think, in fighting games, having the same health at the beginning is very important, its just a sense of fairness.
I think it depends a lot of each fighting game. For example, in Fighter's Destiny (N64) some characters had double the health then others, but in that game, a lot of moves could knock down the opponent instantly, an there was also ring outs and such. Besides that, the game was not determined by the best of three rounds. The player have to gain a determined number of points (starts) to win a match. So, in that game, difference in HP fits very nicely. But in MK, I don't know. I think it's tradition.
I feel hear is wouldnt apply. Sheeva also has two unblockables that you have to react to and you cant just hold block for a day waiting your turn and also a plethora of grabs to compensate for the lack of mobility.

I will say I never really noticed that in SF. I thought everyones HP was equal.
the slow characters tend to do more damage in fewer hits, so i think that's fair.
also . a reason to have every character have the same amount of hp is that the damage system works in percentage unlike streetfighters dmg units. that way the fighters do constant damage instead of the percentage scaling differently on each opponent.
No. NRS has made this game very balanced. More HP to powerful characters would make the already spammable characters even more OP because they have more health... And besides, there isn't that huge of a speed margin between characters in this game
Larger characters have larger hitboxes. The more space they take up on the screen, the easier it is to hit them. Unless provided some safefguards, opponents can usually squeeze in extra hits for a more damaging combo. Iron Tager from BlazBlue, despite having a whopping 1300 HP (1100 being average), falls victim to combos made specifically to exploit his large size. Compared to other fighting games, the size difference between MK characters are rather small.
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