My game's bugged (*no Challenge Tower prize)

THE GREAT PRIZE EVER IN THE STORY OF THE VIDEOGAMES AND MK AND BLABLABLALBA = a stinky piece of toilet paper for Mileena.... and even, MILEENA, just one character of the entire game.

These guys sucks.
Omg omg , the best online ever, it will put the new standars for online fighting games = crap servers, full lag, desync errors.
They lied to us... spat in our faces... treated us like chumps... took our money and ran... and even have the gall to keep charging for more content they stripped / held back from the game... like we're a bunch of dumb-ass gore whores... who'll pay for any faeces sporting an 'MK' moniker...

I has a sad... =(

*faith in gaming dies - contemplates life of piracy *
They lied to us... spat in our faces... treated us like chumps... took our money and ran... and even have the gall to keep charging for more content they stripped / held back from the game... like we're a bunch of dumb-ass gore whores... who'll pay for any faeces sporting an 'MK' moniker...

I has a sad... =(

*faith in gaming dies - contemplates life of piracy *

Really,"lied to us" "spat in our faces" "took our money and ran" what on earth are you talking about? this is over the challenge tower prize? So if the prize for beating the tower was say,unlocking CSZ or Quan Chi it would then be worth your money?

IMHO,MK9 is the best $60 I have spent on a game in awhile.I dont know about you & others, but I consider GAMEPLAY to be the deciding factor of a game being worth its price,certainly not unlockables.If the sole reason you are playing MK is for unlockables,or prizes then you are overlooking a excellent fighting game that keeps me and many others coming back over and over and over again.

That being said please dont think im insulting you or your opinion.I can see you being a little disappointed over the tower prize,but MK9 is still a excellent game,regardless of the lacking prizes and unlockables.

Although Mileena's 3rd alt is alot better then most stuff in the krypt.I havent even unlocked 95 % of it yet because its mostly artwork that Im pretty sure the majority of players could care less about.For real,the krypt needs some MAJOR reworking for the next game.if they cant put anything useful in there just remove it completely
they want people to enjoy the non dlc charcaters without too much trouble, so they went for a costume. KNowing that the majority of MK fans are spotty, pubescent teenage boys - they thought you might like it :)