Okay... Time for the Other side...

From what I guessed, they are just happy DC gets a potientally good game for once, and Superman and Batman can finally duke it out. XD'
I've always thought that the DC fans would be more psyched about this than MK fans. I'm an odd man out here since the only DC character I really follow even a bit is Batman. And even then it's only really from the cartoon's perspective. I'm not a big reader, comics or otherwise. And I'm still excited.
I was being sarcastic, I know that DC have had a bad run with games, none more so then what is considered one of the worst games of all time. Oh no's... a circle maze.
The most fuss DC fans are making over this suddenly is the nod to "MK is bad influence". I wish I could kill half the DC fans saying this, but then again, the reason why I have my video games is to stop me from taking out my fury on the world in real life.
I was over at the DC comics official forums, and just gave it a quick glance over. Most of the members are not too fond of the idea. One half is complaining that it'll mess up the canon of their story, the other half seem to think Superman is invincible and will kick MK's ass.

Although I have to admit, they're not as vocal as some of the members of the MK community across various forums. I'm not sure if that's to do with their online community being smaller in nature to MK's or them just being a bit more open minded to the whole thing.
"As a Mortal Kombat and obviously a DC fan, I can't wait. This game has already gotten so much attention after just being revealed, but too bad most of the attention was negative attention from, quite frankly, MK fans that seem to have mental issues when it comes to moral standards. I don't mind those who think the game doesn't mesh well in terms of concept, but mostly its just been reaction that makes me lose hope in the human race.

Enough of that discussion though, I'm psyched and thats all that matters to me."

That kind of pissed me off, but whatever.

Boon knew this would backlash from both sides, but it's something he's always wanted to do.
And it's something I've always wanted to happen so I support him wholeheartedly in his efforts. Well...that is, as long as he's actually putting some effort into it.
Heres another comment board from video game fans that are neither huge mk or dc.

Out of the 90 or so comments, about 85 laughed or said this was awful.


Well this is a big point really. I have discussed this with several video game fans and even non fans such as my mother. All of them initially thought I was joking, then said it was a bad idea. Not gonna get much attention from people that shunned the last few MK's that's for sure.
MK vs. DC is now ranked #1 overall on Gamespot and something like #5 on all of IGN in terms of popularity. Apparently tons of people are seriously latching on to this idea.
MK vs. DC is now ranked #1 overall on Gamespot and something like #5 on all of IGN in terms of popularity. Apparently tons of people are seriously latching on to this idea.

That might not mean everyone likes it, they might just be reading up on it. The game is definitely getting its attention, whether its good or bad.
Yes but attention means sales. And sales + good game = more sales for the next game. So, they've gotten the marketting down and they've spurred A LOT of discussion from fans and non-fans. Now they just need to make damn sure the game is a success so people will remember MK with good thoughts when MK9 comes around. It's a good idea. A GOOD IDEA.
Yes but attention means sales. And sales + good game = more sales for the next game. So, they've gotten the marketting down and they've spurred A LOT of discussion from fans and non-fans. Now they just need to make damn sure the game is a success so people will remember MK with good thoughts when MK9 comes around. It's a good idea. A GOOD IDEA.

Ya exactly, hopefully this pulls in a crap load of fans and the loyal MK fans will still buy it and then MK9 or 8 or whatever its called will come out and it will be rated No-Rating or Double Mature or whatever is more brutal than M.
Whatever the case, this MK8 is properly going to go down as one of those ideas that is dissed long before release date, but everyone thinks different (good or bad) once released...

...Kinda like how a lot of MK fans reacted to Frost in a way.
At least we don't have to deal with poorly developed new characters this time around.

As for the casual gamer comments, i've discussed this with my friends too and they think it's rather humorous. Every one of them said something to the effect of "but MK and DC have nothing in common." They are still intrigued by the idea though. I just hope this doesn't mean that the next mk will be MK vs DC II.