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  • Nope. I just like to shove the many flaws of the PS3 when all people ever do is shove the "PS3 is the Perfect machine" aspect all the time. Blu-Ray this, graphics that, I get tired of it. Now that it's being shown how inadequte some aspects are and I'm captilizing on it. Sure, better than the 360...yeah I'll take that, but it's not the best machine ever!
    let's hope he really thinks he's that great.
    i mean how could you not beat a zoner just practice with sektor he's a great zoner.
    classic Haha!

    After reading your thread entitled "Dear spammers" which was basically a long, inarticulate b*itch about how you can't get around special moves, I would LOVE to see a "competative" team led by you.

    was this guy full of him self or did it just look that way
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