
SILENCE!!!!! my Name is shao khan . I started in a mkvsdc gamer clan called otb my leader was otb suPerMarvel,otb stood for only the best.Before i was otb i was crazyk-12345.I i was so committed to playing mkvsdc.long days of training just to be part of the best clan .The first clan i tried out for was BD brotherhood of death .i beat pass tryouts and their leader still was not impressed of my talents.so i didnt make the team .then one day i saw otb tryout and the first person i faught was otb_superman .I defeated him he wanted me to go directly to otb_ supermarvel .i beat supermarvel 3 times in a row which i was only using captain marvel as my main and superman as my second only two fighters i was using.i then join otb and was otb_crazyk.AS i was getting more better i was playing legends like bd_captainbeast,killa_dztrbed,fatility_you_b,killa_2face ,tdahollywood,tda_s-dotbang,gametime,gamerblake,glicthfan, i called legends when i started playing mkvsdc as otb_crazyk.I was otb for bout a year and it started to fade out and we had no communications with each other .i was the only otb member still standing .and i saw a new clan call NBA new born assassins .chrismasgift was leader who had the best flash online .i had became nba_thevillian.I wanted to set a name for myself as being a hated member of the nba clan .It was only 3 members xmas gift,tspinner,and me.Xmas didnt really know how to run a clan due to non communication no wars and didnt care too much for the 3 man clan . So i took over the clan and started recruiting beast members.i made a name for myself of having the best captain marvel online .which members of mku voted who has the best online characters.i hosted clans wars,tryouts,meetings,with out the help of my leader xmas.one day i saw him online on mku.com talking bout how nba clan was not important to him and he wasn't really focus towards the clan.A year into the clan there was no need for being in the nba clan i was in i was just trying to keep my nba the villain title.by this time im a pro captain marvel and superman fighter .so i made a choice that i was done with clans and was going to be solo and created a name called EMPEROR_OUTWORLD .It really wasn't to be a clan cause i was done with bs. literately 5 days into the name i fought mr_2face which had the second best green lantern online and believe me or not i flawlessed him the first round and owned very bad the second round . i was using superman and owned him 4-0 as outworld.he msg me saying who are you???.and i told him i was nba the villain and he ask was emperor a clan? cause if so i want to join.so i gave it a thought and said hmmm, yea ima clan make your emp name.he was emperor invasion my first recruit .as two beast emperors was cleaning the room i thought to my self.i can recruit beast members but i never hosted tryout rooms .2weeks into the clan building. i came across killa dztrbed the #1 ranked best green lantern online .killa clan had a good run on mkvs dc one of the clan who survive on there but a had a very few members. when we fought i didn't get shao kahn cause i was maining him at the time (mind you)dztrbed was one of the reason why my captain marvel was a beast he owned my cap,stop all of my teleports cause i was a tele spam lol so he taught me a more calmer captain marvel.and we didn't do series we did session(no homo) hours of playing against each other .out of all the fighters i could use the only character i could beat him with was superman his jax was crazy and his green lantern was beast .i then ask him did he want to join and he took the offer and created the name of emperor imperial .so now we got three beast members that no one could beat.a month into emperor we already had ppl asking to join,who are we?, then played i emperor Palestine. i forgot his og name but he knew just about every character but was not very good with them in battle but had amazing combos with them i wanted him to join cause i saw future beast in him he showed me a 50% superman combo that i stole from him lol .and 2 days later i hosted a emperor tryout room i had all my emps with me,imperial,palestine,invasion,and me.the room was full only 100 could be in there but we didn't recruit nobody at the time too many noobs and i admit my personalty as outworld was a douche lol i was talking shit ,never said good game, always talked down on the loser, cause at the time my record was like 745 wins and 10 losses and didnt care about how you feel . only ppl that could beat was my emps .my goal was to reach 1000 wins before a 100 losses .and one day palsetine told me about a couple that was online playing and he and she was a beast the name was clarence-and-carla.So palestine made him and her come to the emperor room and play me and when we played the girl had kano and the boy was using scorpion and was a beast foreal.so after like 30 minuets into play we had him and her join the emperor which the name was perfect for them .(emperor infusion) then we soon to find out it was only one person beasting out with two fighters and had more fighters that he didnt show us .infusion and i was like sparring partners he open new unique combos with superman, scorpion,green lantern, not caring about the % of damage just how it was done. i learned alot of combos from infusion and we became good friends and (i used to owned his son with my darkseid lol.i had made a mistake by recruiting a very good fighter that was a clan hopper goes by the name fatality you b his name was emperor earthrealm .dont get me wrong one of the best fighters Ive seen on mkvsdc and we had our first clan war fighting nbk and my team crushed their members i didn't even haf to fight in the wars and we owned 88,nbk,tek,tda,killa,bd,nobody didnt want to war us cause cause we was so good .we had only 6 members but we grew our members and once again palestine found a future beast called lex luther you may know him as doomsday .his lex luther was one of the best and i ever seen and no one really use lex like he did .lex wasnt as talkative like he is now but once he got on mku we saw a new side of him lol but lex always had ideas for the clan. and emperors had a name for itself the best clan and still.....by this time we had members that was very loyal like .emperor dark one of the best jokers ive seen and how territorial he was with emperor and glad i recruited him . dark,doomsday,infusion,dztrbed,,palestine , who kept emperor alive when i had a year absent .emperor would not be what it is today if it wasnt for these guys

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