This is Nick Bennet AKA Gargos and Matt Vargyas AKA Glitch reporting to u live (ok not really live) from San Antonio. We were there at Diversions for the unveiling of the newest MK... MORTAL KOMBAT 4. Oh yeah baby its party time.

Use the links below to get you to your destination.

Gargos can be found on #mk4 on EFNet... ask him any questions bout the game.

Please take your time to read everything.

Click here for the pictures taken of MK4.

Click here for the beta moves list.. in HTML format. TXT format in the works.
Click here for our first impressions of the game.

Click here for all the shout outs and for us working on this page.

***These moves are from a beta version of the game... moves may change in the final version.***

Artwork and design by Nick Bennett AKA Gargos

Mortal KombatTM and everything related to it are trademarks of Midwayİ Manufacturing Co.