November 17th, 2002
9:14 AM CST -

Best Buy and Toys "R" Us advertised this Sunday that Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance will be in stores on Wednesday November 20th, two days ahead of Fatality Friday. However, Circuit City shows in their inventory system that MK:DA will be shipped to stores on the 19th, Tuesday.

On the video game-specific retailers front, GameStop and Electronics Boutique lists MK:DA as shipping to retail stores tomorrow, the 18th.

Retail sources have stated that they have not received any communication from Midway to strictly follow the advertised release date of Fatality Friday November 22nd; therefore, many retail stores will sell copies of MK:DA as soon as they receive them.

We have started a message board thread for everyone to communicate and collaborate on what stores and where MK:DA is available. As always, make sure that you call ahead before you go to the store to make sure that it is indeed available. If you are successful in obtaining a copy, let us know.

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