January 6th, 2000
1:18 PM CST -
It seems like there is some controversy surrounding the money Midway is recieving. The Chicago Tribune seems to be all over this story. The recent story is that someone on the board of directors at Midway is a "politically-connected business and civic leader."
Unfortunately, the author constantly uses Mortal Kombat as a hook and an eye opener in order to get people to read and form an opinion, even though Mortal Kombat has no relavancy to the situation other than it is a product of Midway. The situation is about the city grant, not about video game violence and how it affects children, as the author would like you to believe. If you would like to read these stories, here are the links to the online editions.

-- A Mortal Sin? City Aids Maker of Violent Video Game
-- Daley Denies Clout Behind City Grant

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