My MK9 Supreme Demonstration Video


New member
I was gonna wait until PSN came back but I said forget it last night and here it is. The only fatalities missing are Reptile and Scorpion's klassics. All the other fatalities (including Kratos', the bosses and all stages are in.) and all babalities are in. I'll be updating this video when PSN comes back to include the missing klassics (I'll replace the old link with new ones to keep this post updated.) and sometime down the line when all the DLC characters are out I'll make a separate one for all of them but before all are released they'll be in separate videos since they'll prob be released over time and not at once.
Thirty minutes of concentrated death. I skipped around and watched some of them. Good video, man. :top:
I'm so tired of companies waiting to put stuff for the next game when the game they have now is clearly the game everyone have been waiting for. The reason I dont want to wait until next game is cuz so many kharacters died in this game and Boon said anyone who dies is never coming back. Screw that, now is the time to make this game even better by adding Friendships,Brutalities with xrays in them,fatalities to stages that didnt get them like Bell Tower and Goro's Lair and 2 VERY important modes that will keep ppl playing this game for a long time Vs CPU and Survival.