Kanoball Version 1.1


New member
After seeing members feedback on Kanoball vesion 1.0. I went back and tried to make it better. Some people suggested that I add a net, seeing as the Bosses are playing ball with poor Kano. But when I thought about it, they wouldn't have nets on Outworld or wherever. So I used torch stands with lit fire. This way poor old Kano is not only being thrown and punched about like a beachball, he's being slowly roasted alive in the process.

I added the scorekeeper which is Sindel, also note how she is smiling at Hubby Kahn, lol. Due to the fact they're winning the game. I redid all the shadows and set the opacity down to make them look more realistic too. Made the Kano score heads much smaller to fit better and fixed the life bars. Also when you compare the two pics, you will see that all the sprites positioning are not accurate in 1.0. The Bosses would be practically joined at the hip. I also Altered Kanos position to fit Sindel in and had to decide where to put Kanos shadow which is very faint due to the torches burning.

One thing I'm not happy with is the score banner. Maybe I should have used different colors and made the fonts MKish? Not too sure on that, any suggestions?

Edit: Kryptonite told me that the background was too small. So I adjusted that, thanks, dude.

Kanoball 1.0

Kanoball 1.1
The only problem I can see is that you forgot to flip the lifebars so that there is a little sliver of red on the right-most edge. Fill that in and it's perfect.