Jax's Metal Arms


New member
In my latest video I explore Jax's arms -- including the spiky version used in his alternate Revenant skin, and also his daughter Jacqui's arms (following in her father's footsteps).

And of course the history behind them in the older games, as well as other MK media.
Interestingly, I always thought Jax's arms were never part of his body and that it was only made so starting with MK9. I figured either it was one of the changes Raiden made when altering the timeline or, more likely, they just didn't pay that much attention to it from a story point of view or forgot since a lot of canon and story got played around with when the reboot happened.

I thought things like his MK:DA appearance showed the arms as being separate add-ons, with the black on the arms NOT being bionic but just a fabric over his real arms (since they seem so human-like) with the metal muscles and bionic pieces on top of it. It would also explain his alternate costume, which I believe in the Armageddon Krypt says he wore as his casual clothing. Sure, a lot of alternate costumes aren't canon, but I think those intentions were less true in the PS2/XBox/Gamecube era, since they had Quan Chi have an MK4-esque costume but keep his tattoos and design for that game, or have Reptile's alternate keep the same body type, or have Raiden's alternate in Deception be a variant of his darker self and not go back to classic white-and-blue, or Sub-Zero's Deception alternate being an unarmored version of the same skin and body type of his primary instead of a classic appearance. All of this makes me think they actually thought about the bionic arms being separate like in MK Annihlation.

Part of this to me too was that they started doing more homages to the movies, like how Kano went Australian after Trevor Goddard's role instead of his original Japanese intentions (although Goddard was actually using a ney British accent but it was mistaken by the MK crew). So it makes sense to me too that they would take inspiration from Lynn Williams. Not to mention that the Defenders of the Realm animated series at the time too showed him with normal arms in the same episode you talked about in this video when the metal ones weren't working.

What's also very weird to me is that although we KNOW his arms were totally ripped off in MK9's story mode thanks to Ermac, his fatalities show his arms fully being there underneath the metal during acid and fire-based fatalities.

I mean, I think perhaps Tobias' intentions when he wrote the bio for Jax in MK3 for him to have the arms "implanted" like his MK3 bio says, but MK has made plenty of retcons before. I can honestly see the intention being at first for them to be implants, then change it due to the movie, then forget about their change after the reboot. Sounds exactly like Johnny Cage's dying in MK3, not dying anymore in his MK:DA bio, and then dying again in MK9 (thanks to Raiden's vision confirming it).

Ah, the wonderful world of MK continuity.
After showing this video to John Parrish while at Kombat-Kon, he said we were like twins! He even signed this photograph as such:
