New MK4 Features Hack

Jeff Greeson

Staff member
<A HREF="">chutka</A>, author of the MK4 Hacker, has released a new version of his <A HREF="">Trainer Program</A>. Along with a new trainer, <B>chutka</B> has also created a new program that alters your exe file, so that eliminates having to mess with an external program to access these hidden features. Here are some of the new features that are in the newest version.</UL><CENTER><TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD WIDTH="450"><FONT COLOR="#FF8000"><UL><LI>Select Kitana/Goro/Noob Saibot in Practice mode
<LI>Select Skull Stage in Practice mode (In Arcade mode too, the Skull Stage will follow the Ice Pit, but the “Skull Stage” select option still doesn’t work in the trainer for Arcade mode.)
<LI>Quick Cheat Menu access. (It is the same thing that is in the trainer too. The Cheat Menu will pop up immediately.)
</UL></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER><UL>Remember that these programs are neither supported by <B>TRMK</B> nor <B>Midway Home Entertainment</B>. If you require help or have questions about these programs, please e-mail the authors of these programs.